Nation Bulletin

Santa Says Ciao to Taxes, Relocates to Tax-Free Antarctica!

Frosty Insider Exclusive

By Admiral Moretti
12/24/2023 11:07 pm
Updated: 12/24/2023 11:07 pm

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🎅 Frosty Insider Exclusive - Santa Says Ciao to Taxes, Relocates to Tax-Free Antarctica!❄️


Yules be surprised where Mr. Claus rings in 2023! I recently caught up with an distressed Santa Claus as he dejectedly sifted through towering tax forms from the North Pole revenue service. 📝  

"It's the same story every year - expenses to operate my gift enterprise keep rising, but the miserly Ministry refuses easing burdens on hard working holiday heroes like my elves and I!" -  Santa explained over steep lawyers fees. 💸


But then - an epiphany! Why wallow under the Northern Lights when Antarctica offers a tax-free winter wonderland?! "The zero tax policies sealed the deal - I booked passage on the next icebreaker ship sailing south," - beamed a newly jubilant Kringle at keeping 100% of cheer coin! ⛴️


Antarctica gladly offered Santa prime glacial real estate to establish his new and improved workshop. In return for no taxes, Santa now bestows millions in philanthropic gifts to his Antarctic hosts yearly! 🎁

So while the North may feel naughty losing Saint Nick, the South Pole scored big this No Tax Christmas! Just imagine what spectacular state-of-the-art gifts and advanced sleds Santa can engineering with all that surplus mint 💰- I foresee distribution records shattered on his fiscal frosty flight down under!



May your Christmas be merry and bright!


Posted December 25, 2023 at 3:05 am

merry christmas
