Nation Bulletin

Looking to purchase land, Cuban Population Boom, Vietnamese rescue, and some other random news


By Sir Logan Watermelon
12/24/2023 10:29 pm
Updated: 12/24/2023 10:29 pm

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Looking to purchase land

By Hannah Goodsman


Today Aithne Daughtery stated that she is "Looking to purchase land for The Melon". Most people are confused on why we need more land, as we already have a Massive Mediterranean Colony and Cuban Colony, plus our mainland, so why would we need more? Aithne Daughtery was asked this question and she replied "To gain influence and further strength". This is odd because Aithne Daughtery has always been very anti war and has tried to make The Melon as peaceful as possible. Most people say that the true reason may be to gain more natural resources. Aithne Daughtery has only really shown interest in Eastern Turkey, mainly to get rid of border gore. She has also shown interest in French Guiana, since all those people speak French, and they are French.


Massive Cuban Population Boom + Vietnam Rescue

By Anthelme Joly


Today it has been clear that there is a massive Cuban Population boom, we think that the reason for this is because the birth rates have always been small, but now that we own Cuba, the birth rates have skyrocketed! We believe that so far Cuba's population will double, maybe even triple, in the next 10 years as long as we own it. 

In Vietnam good news is also going on, as 12 million of our 25 Vietnamese have signed up to go back to The Melon, it will be quite difficult to transport, so we have brought in waayyyy more ships. And a lot more flights out of Vietnam will be to The Melon. Of the remaining 13 million people, 2 million have decided to flee to different countries, such as Luna (43% went there), Uchama (25%), Ajako (28.8%), Tang (2%), and others (1.2%) (I still haven't decided on the count of people leaving to Me and other nations, so this is not final).


Micro Headlines:

The Melon World Tour plans to continue, Kolakia is the next nation we will visit.

The Melon announces they applied to the alliance called the UEC.

The Melon plans to cut communications with the rest of the world for some reason for a period of a week, Dr. James Too, follower of the Edo Theory,  says it is because of a holiday on Earth called Christmas.

Hannah Goodsman, wife of Fredrick Goodsman, announces she is pregnant.

James Vandolf adopts a black pug, calls the pug Olive.


Posted December 25, 2023 at 4:13 pm

nah, imma keep eastern turkey (sorry mate)

Posted December 25, 2023 at 5:15 pm

it's okay


we understand
