Nation Bulletin

"Imperial Directive 23 Sparks Emergence of Pan-Asarcanism as a Unifying Force"

"Imperial Directive 23 catalyzes Pan-Asarcanism—unity beyond regions. Renewed commitment signifies a new Asarcan chapter."

By Imperial Directorate of Propaganda and Information
12/20/2023 11:38 pm
Updated: 12/27/2023 08:13 pm

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**National News: Asarcus Awakens with Directive 23**

*In a watershed moment for the Asarcan Empire, Directive 23 has been officially enacted by the High Imperial Senate. This historic decree, led by Chancellor Heinrich and Kaiser Klæs, marks the resurgence of Pan-Asarcanism, bringing forth a renewed sense of national pride and unity.*

*The capital city, Kaiserstadt Eichenburg, bore witness to a grand parade as the Ironclad Legion, donned in dark blue winter coats and iconic stahlhelms, marched through rain-soaked streets. Alongside them, millions of Asarcan and Maravindan citizens displayed their support for this monumental transition.*

*While this event has galvanized the nation, it has also raised concerns beyond our borders. Spirited debates have ignited within the Imperial Senate, reflecting the global implications of this transformative order.*

*As Asarcus embraces its evolving identity, the world watches closely, and our nation prepares to navigate uncharted waters.*

*Authored by the Imperial Information Bureau, Kaiserstadt Eichenburg.*