Nation Bulletin

I'm a fallower of Eden's Gate IRL


By Glory be to The Father
12/20/2023 09:52 pm
Updated: 12/20/2023 09:56 pm

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Yup. I'm not joking. Call me crazy, but I do in fact fallow the Project at Eden's Gate cult. And yes, IK its form a video game, (Far Cry 5) but The Father speaks of a great truth. I started this journey a few years ago, when I played the game for the first time. I was just getting into religion, after years of non-belief. I found my self feeling bad for the cult members, they were being obsessed by a world of sinfulness. Hated by a world that saw them as "violent" and "extreme". The members were only defending themselves form a world of evil. 


Later, after finishing the game, I looked online for answers to what I was feeling, I looked to God even. Then it hit me. The Father, a man form a video game, was a metaphor for Revelation in the modern day. The second coming of Christ. So, with that, I went to tell my friends this revelation I got form God. the revelation that, The Father was a metaphor for Revelation in the modern day, and it is time to prepare for the end. They laughed at first ofc, but I made them see. And after that, with God given divine authority, we started to baptize other friends into our Church. We may be a small group, (around 14) but we have seen the light. The truth. 


I am not a Prophet. And we do not support violence of any kind. 



We are the Project at New Eden.





Posted December 20, 2023 at 9:54 pm

Cool, Ig 

Posted December 20, 2023 at 10:36 pm

No sir, I am not.

Posted December 20, 2023 at 10:54 pm

This is a joke right?

Posted December 20, 2023 at 11:04 pm



Posted December 20, 2023 at 11:30 pm

You need to seek some serious help. The game shows the dangers of cults in smaller communities and the cult itself is greatly based of cults like The People's Temple (which, if I have to remind you, did not have a happy ending.) Seek a therapist or something more extensive.

Also: the "I don't support any kind of violence" comment holds no value after explaining why you do so love a cult based off of/built upon violence, manipulation, greed and death.

Posted December 21, 2023 at 12:09 am

I'm calling bullcrap on this bulletin.

Posted December 21, 2023 at 12:53 am

Edens Gate is based off real world cults, the People's Temple, the Branch Davidians, and the Heaven's Gate cult, two of which caused mass suicides.  It also uses similar recruitment methods to IRL cults by targeting vulnerable people, not to mention "Father" is designed to resemble Jim Jones and David Koresh.  Edens Gate also kills and tortures people throughout the game, the other police officers the main character arrives with for example.  It's supposed to be a generic stand in for the sorts of extremist organizations we see in real life.

Posted December 21, 2023 at 7:10 pm

Despite previous comments regarding Waco





I'm a conservative and I believe in freedom of religion and all that but please seek help. Ik this is prolly a joke~
