Nation Bulletin

ANTRIANIA : RCFCC and Federative Military Senate has adopted the new constitution of AFPR (Antrianese Federal and Plurinational Republic)

RCFCC, led by Antoine von Zaprone'mka, the Federal Prime Minister goes to nightclub after that bruhh

By TF2
12/20/2023 09:24 pm
Updated: 12/20/2023 09:24 pm

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(disclaimer, this will be a pretty short news, sorry ^^')


At the 20th December 2023, 5 days before Christmas, the Federative Millitary Senate led by the Federal President, and RCFCC led by the Federal Prime Minister, finally find some agreements together, regarding the new and real constitution of Antriania. 

Because yes, until today, Antriania was still running under the rules of the old Constitution, to be clear, the Comm*nist Constitution, adopted in 1934 after the communists took power in Antriania...

This project to create a new constitution isn't recent, it took place in (real time : June 2022) June 2076 (Orbis time) and in 72636427173th MarsianJune (Marsian Tim.... WHAT ?!) during the commandement of the Provisionnal Government of Antriania, many years later, this project gets real....


Here is the new constitution : 


Constitution of the Plurinational Federal Republic of Antriania


We, the people of Antriania, with the aim of forming a united, diverse and prosperous nation, establish and guarantee justice, control internal tranquility, promote the general welfare and guarantee the rights and freedoms for ourselves and future generations, let us adopt and promulgate this Constitution for the Plurinational Federal Republic of Antriania.

Article I: Federal Structure

Section 1: The Plurinational Federal Republic of Antriania is a federal nation composed of autonomous regions, each representing a plurinational entity.

Section 2: The Conservative Federal Catholic Council Restricted (CCFCR) is the main body responsible for managing economic and social development, infrastructure, laws, etc. It works closely with the various small governments of the federal provinces.

Article II: Fundamental Principles

Section 1: Antriania recognizes and protects the cultural and linguistic diversity of its citizens. And firmly support pluralism within its autonomous regions, and commit not to neglect this plurality throughout its existence.

Section 2: Freedom, equality, justice, solidarity and sustainability are the fundamental principles guiding the Plurinational Federal Republic of Antriana.

Article III: Fundamental Rights
Section 1: All citizens of the Plurinational Federal Republic of Antriana have inalienable rights, including freedom of expression, freedom of religion, the right to a fair trial and protection against discrimination. No one can be reprimanded or discriminated against based on their own vision of the world, things and notices.

Section 2: The cultural, linguistic and territorial rights of multinational groups are also recognized and protected.

Article IV: Merged and Federated Legislative and Executive Power (CCFCR)

Section 1: The CCFCR is the sole body composed of elected members of the different parties and representatives of small governments in the autonomous regions.

Section 2: The CCFCR has a single head, the Federal Prime Minister, whose role is to oversee the CCFCR court during proposed future laws and policy changes across the nation. He alone can approve or refuse the entry into force of a law, without taking into account the approval of the Federal President.

Section 3: The Federal Prime Minister, although he is the head of government, is also of the State with the Federal President. He has the obligation to constitute a government composed of different ministers, who will also sit on the CCFCR.

Section 4: The Federal President is the head of state, occupying this position associated with the Federal Prime Minister. Although the Federal President has a ceremonial role and the management of the armed forces, he can, if he wishes, still interfere in the CCFCR by also proposing laws and others.
Article 5: During the presidential elections, Antrian citizens, as well as other diverse and ethnic origins, are called to vote for any presidential candidate, except for those belonging to a pro-Soviet, communist or political party. socialist. Citizens vote for the Federal President, who will be elected for a period of 4 years by universal suffrage, but cannot change or choose the Federal Prime Minister, who is elected from among the members of the CCFCR for a period of 7 years, but can nevertheless vote. As a result, citizens do not elect the Federal Prime Minister.

Article V: Executive Power of National Defense and Diplomatic Relations

Section 1: The Federal President is elected by direct suffrage for a term of 4 years. It holds the power to manage national defense, diplomatic relations and military laws.
Section 2: The Plurinational Federal Republic of Antriania is unicameral, that is, there is only the Military Federal Senate, which is chaired by the Federal President, in addition to its other functions mentioned in the previous Article. The Federal Military Senate only...[Show more...]