Nation Bulletin

Get to know the Exentanian language

Exentaní has 2 official languages; Exentanian & Spanish. Get to know our native language. (A course given by the Ministry of Education)

By Ministry of Education (Kapminis Ilaje)
12/20/2023 04:48 am
Updated: 12/20/2023 04:48 am

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 The exentanian language has two alphabets. The "exentanian", and "Latinien". Below, you have the exentanian alphabet and the transliteration of the letters.


Now that you know the Exentanian alphabet, you must know that the latin alphabet has 3 different phonemes than English; the Ñ, Ŕ and Hj. The Ñ is the same than the spanish pronunciation, or gn in french or Italian. Ŕ letter, is like R, but longer, similar to "rr" in the latin languages. Letter Hj is a similar sound than the one you make when liberating air.

Some basic phrases

Hello = Trai

Goodbye = Prai

Yes = Si

No = Nou

Thanks = Strai

How are you = Kach bas (Kach (How) & bas (you))

Salutations & goodbyes

Good day = BengelhTiar (Good = Bengel + h (connector) + day (tiar))

Goodnight = BengelhNuin (Bengel + h + night (nuin))

Kajre bas = Go to the $#!@ (Kajre (to go but rude) and bas (you))


Llas = Me / My

Bas = You

Bhas = Your

Tach = That, he, she

Shas = Their

Baja = Us / Our☭

Jati = They 

Jaten = Their

Jake = You (plural)

Jaten = Your (plural)

Tu = You (Talking to a crowd, but at the same time individually to every person)

Tuj = Your (crowd and individually)

So yes, you don't have problems with people claiming about their pronouns here in Exentaní as every pronoun is unisex.


Person = Mir

Men =  Muñe

Women = Ihjua

Snili = Child

Hjas = King

Minismir = Minister

Shleiehjas = President

Important adjectives

Kaphheiun = Government

Kapminis = Ministry 

Kar = Thing

Nuehj = Country

Kiaskle = Town

Tekiaskle = City

Shatun = Territory

Astuk = Region or province

Kunetriel = Victory

Kratenia = War 

Kaihjne = Peace

Ilaje = Education

Ues = Something

Conjugating verbs

In Exentanian there is only two verb conjugations; Regular and infinitive. You add the times with certain words depending the context, but that's something for other lesson.

Regular / infinitive = To...[verb] Translation

Ste / steir = To be.

And because everyone in the kingdom is lazy to make this list longer, you can ask for a longer list or how to say some word by asking for it in the comments or in DMs. Anyways; Here is a video on how to pronounce these words.


Posted December 20, 2023 at 4:49 am

And remember; Any questions must be asked.
