Nation Bulletin

they would find him drunk at some party, or smoking alone in the bitter cold

revelations on the past

By The Celtic Printing Press
12/16/2023 11:48 pm
Updated: 12/17/2023 01:44 am

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“He was known for being a reckless and unsavoury man. He held nothing dear to him. Those who met him and were acquainted with him, were never acquainted with him well. He had a maze and a labyrinth of friendships who were more like distant destinations than close neighbouring towns. He never cared for love… that's what they all thought. He held the wealth of billions and still, didn't seem to ever smile at the fortune of his situation. He walked the streets of London, Moscow, Verona and Tokyo…. He went to Tuscany and stayed with a woman for a while. Then he came back. I remember the day. His angry features seemed to hint he was out of wine. 

And so he filled his cup and sat back on the couch. I wanted to ask him if he was alright. But then he told me to leave. 

When it rained he walked outside. He liked the downfall. The turbulent skies and the misty valleys. He bought diamonds for many of the girls that he wanted. 

Those that ever did see him in those days, remember how they would find him drunk at some party, or smoking alone in the bitter cold with a severe sparkle in his eyes. The frown he wore was always there… 

Once I found him drunk in a bar in Marseille… a few years ago. 

Une fille m’a dit qu’elle m’aimait…” he said cynically whilst staring at me sharply with a grim expression. I never understood what he meant. unlike him, I couldn't afford to travel as much.  He left in his limo and went away… northbound. 

He was born in the isle of York. And he lived like the greatest man. His wisdom… Many men were envious of how  he spoke. His directness and diplomatic manner. He was worldly. He knew so many things. He was able to understand. He always drew the right conclusions…  it was as if he was ever bothered about being right. 

The men of morals would have hated what they saw… but when one happened to look deeper they saw a man with more wisdom than any other. 

But no one ever understood why he sought refuge away from his hedonistic world ... .no one would ever understand why he now lives with the queen rosemary in the castle. She is unacquainted with the world . how could two people form a union such as this. There was speculation… gossip and angry thoughts among the country and beyond, that a villain had set his sights on the vulnerable queen in order to take over and rule things his way. 

He certainly is achieving this today. But perhaps something more beautiful may have formed from this cruel manoeuvre. The love that queen rosemary and lord Meriwether share is a great love. 

There is something tragic about it that disturbs me. Something sad and pathetic about its ending that I wish I could explain. I was given the privilege of visiting the both of them in the castle. They were serene. Lord Meriwether may have been the same proud and rather sinister man… but the twinkle in his stern eyes could not be mistaken. . even though the darkening clouds above suggested that beauty is always sad… I could not help but wish them well in that small castle by the sea.”

A personal letter from a private friend was found which has spilled many secrets as to who lord Meriwether is. Days before he will wed the queen and become our king… there are many things we do not know about him… the words of the letter are contradictory and sometimes hard to explain. Perhaps there may be an answer to the mystery of lord Meriwether yet. The letter reveals a bit about his past and his strange ways of life before he came to the island and then the writer goes on to explain more on current times. 

The letter was anonymous and perhaps  written by a royal insider or close friend. The vagueness of its tones may not offer any conclusions on his character. But all we know is that any more bad information that will expose this villain for who he is will be greatly appreciated by any sources…

The Celtic Printing Press 
