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By Editorial staff
12/11/2023 06:06 am
Updated: 12/11/2023 06:06 am

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Uniting India, since 2092

3rd January 2095 (International Edition)


Understanding the Union Gazette

This is the Union Gazette's first International Edition. The Union Gazette is a jointly-owned Indian Newsletter, which aims to propagate the idea of Indian nationalism and spread nationalistic values all around the world. The Union Gazette is headquartered at 3rd Building, Gurudwara Road, Connaught Place, New Delhi, Old Delhi State, and all general messages are to be sent to this aforementioned address. However, we have offices all around the nation to provide you the most correct information around India.

As we speak of India, we think of a confusing, irrelevant place which is struggling in every field, but that is not true at all. India is strong with its unity in diversity, providing equal opportunities to all and a nation that accepts everyone, regardless of race, religion and gender (for the most part lol). This Newsletter will be updating you with the most important updates around the world, and various opinion talks among established figures of India. This will also provide small sections for Indian short stories, trending topics around the nation and present the innovation of the Indians to all around the world.

Akbar Ehsan, Chittagong.


The nation grows with incorporation of more nations

Four More nations have joined the Union as this nation keeps expanding. Nebelystan, Greater Indian Republic, Barakistan and BC sol have joined the union. This union has inspired many to promote an united struggle against imperialism, support self-reliance and also believe in common brotherhood, peace and stability. South Asia has always come to fight each other in the past. However, at this new era of peace and stability, the biggest way to improve the nation is to believe in peace, tolerance and justice for all.

These new nations reflect this idea of India, that seeks to incorporate everyone in the Indian subcontinent and South Asia as a whole to make the people have a better life than fighting pointless wars and be divided because of narrow-minded borders.

This increases the members list to 10 regions, with various union territories, namely:

  1. Barakistan
  2. BC Sol
  3. Bengal
  4. East India
  5. Greater Indian Republic
  6. Jangurupureri
  7. Nebelystan
  8. Pandya Kingdom
  9. Winners
  10. Zullimanistan

The hope of all Indians is that this union prospers, provides and inspires a better life for all in this uncertain future.

Aman Barua, Aizawl


Indians line up for voting their new leaders as an united nation

Elections are happening in India in full swing, as 31 parties enter the arena of politics to contest elections. Elections have been completeted already in 334 constituencies, and more constituencies expect to have elections very soon.

As numerous states have a general election with parties for first time, this election has been chaotic, with numerous incidents of violence, aggressive campaigning, using of religion and caste to gather votes and insulting other candidates to gain votes. A notable incident had happened in South Burma, where Rangoon, which is relatively peaceful most of the times erupted in a riot between Burmese Nationalist Party and Communist Party of India cadres, which was calmed down after 7 hours with the help of army. It although did not result in any deaths, but resulted in 30 Injured and heavy loss of property.

However, some positive examples serve a testament to the diverse voting pattern of the nation, where all parties in Federated and Unfederated Mizoram peacefully voted without any violence and chaos. The Presbyterian Church of Mizoram gave blessings to all candidates and closely monitored whether the candidates were performing the model code of conduct in elections. In an iconic scene, cadres of various parties were enjoying tea at the same coffee house after the votes were done!


Communist Party of India Rallies in Agartala


Burma Nationalist Party rallies in Mandalay

More about parties in another newsletter, coming soon.

Soe Kyi, Rangoon


Laws to be made with existing politicians


Politicians discuss five year plans in assembly

In order to keep formulating new laws and directing the developmental goals of India, the nations of India have formed a constituent assembly with the already existing candidates of various assemblies around India, who will stay until the elections are completed. The constituent assembly is made of around 600 members, and has been in full form to formulate bills.

There has been various discussions about various new bills, ranging from five year plans to education, much has been discussed in the assembly. Currently, 1 bill has passed both the lower and the upper houses, which has brought legitimacy and support for the constituent assembly for the time being. 

Rahul Chopra, Delhi




The Indian forces have annexed Southern Thailand (shown above) in order to protect its and its allies' interests in the Malay peninsula. This land will be incorporated into the union as an union territory.

Kanchana Kulap, Phuket



India is very much a legitimate nation. We are an union of 10 nations (currently) and we very much have the longest railways in the whole world, have the largest population of any nation, likely even if you guys combine some continents and yeah, we are highly industrialised. 
This is our map for info (there are some discrepancies, but manage it yourself)


And yeah, an attack on any aformentioned nation will be an attack on all the other nations in the union, so beware of the boys.

Bruhsam, Dhaka



Posted December 11, 2023 at 6:24 am

I only just realised I have a border dispute over parts of Xinjiang and Tibet with one of you guys cause I use mapchart lol

Posted December 11, 2023 at 6:32 am

FinaIIy some good freaking buIIetin


Was wondering if East India wouId be open to uranium/oiI/sugar trade from Graveyard FIeet (No economic agreement, just wondering if you have interest in purchasing that)

Posted December 11, 2023 at 7:49 am

Dauchh, thanks for the compliment but we are not interested in any resource trade now. We are currently allocating budget for our five year plan and we can plan selling or buying resources only after we have allocated such. 

Posted December 11, 2023 at 2:41 pm

You're asking about me? No personally I'm Hindu.

The UOI and my nation tho is mostly secular.

Posted December 11, 2023 at 5:05 pm

No wonder why religious groups have such a big paramilitary. 

Posted December 12, 2023 at 5:09 am

"Chad Bruhsam moment. Also, as an American, it's sad to see that people don't know what the hell India, especially since it has such a large significance to society, and had played a great role in the world, much like my home country of the USA & many other places. For instance, the Americas would've probably been discovered much farther into the future if there wasn't such a craze for spices, which much were found in the Indian subcontinent. 

Anyways, as part of this union, I hope the union continues to be more tolerant and successful in the future. After all, we are stronger, smarter, and better when we work together when we work divided. Also, I was wondering if there was anyway in which us individual states within the union could do anything to help contribute to the union besides what we already do. Maybe something a little bit more ingame, you know?

Anyway, Chairman Wu out!"

- Chairman Wu Sassikastomo of the Janguresian Regional Council of the Union of India.
