Nation Bulletin


A Revival

By 💀 News Network
12/10/2023 10:46 pm
Updated: 12/10/2023 10:50 pm

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A large amount of travelers just arrived in East Africa, specifically Ethiopia and Djibouti and have claimed that land as their own. Most other Countries seem to be indifferent to this transformation of East Africa, or just surprised. All of Djibouti and eastern Ethiopia seem to be fully controlled now by these travelers. 

Natives seem to have neutral or positive opinions of them. While in west Ethiopia it's completely different. Most new development has been put in the Eastern Area, the Western while still being controlled has been significantly neglected. Natives living in these parts mostly have negative relations with these travelers and view them as oppressors. Although promises have been made to start developing the west, Western Ethiopians still have doubts and think of it as trying to siphon the Nile River from them.

Where did they come From?

These travelers claim they are descendants from Icenia, A country that suddenly collapsed without notice. They come to revive their nation, and shortly after the collaspe before any country took their land. Some got by boats, others traveling through other countries by Mainland. While there isn't an exact number we can estimate about 3.5 million Icenians died on their journey. Some haven't arrived in Ethiopia yet while some may be completely lost. 

While arriving far away from the British Isles, they promised to bring prosperity to the Native Ethiopians, while it is still tense and one more mistake may cause much of the Native population to erupt in civil war, It seems to slowly be getting better as they develop the West and more importantly the Nile River. 

They fly under the same name, the same flag as to never forget their original nation, and the journey they've made. While many Icenians didn't make it, they are determined to make sure the deaths aren't in vain. 


This new government plans on using all the arable land to use, attempting to become the #1 food exporter of Orbis. Natives of Ethiopia have been living in poor conditions, and the lifeblood of this revived nation relies on keeping the Native population happy. Producing and Exporting food seems to be the best bet. 

Currently, the Western Natives are still living in poverty, with hope but also doubts that the new government could succeed in fixing their situation, while the Eastern Natives, having development start there have already gotten slightly better living conditions. While the development seems slow, the overall turn of the country has been going upwards.


New Icenian government officials currently hope that the world will recognize this country as the revival of Icenia, Also that there will be no hostile relations with other countries immediately. National spirit of Icenians is at an all time high and they will not allow their country to suffer another sudden collapse of the government. 

They are currently asking for other nations to recognize their independence and revival. Only time will tell how other nations react to this new nation entering the world stage.

(My first real bulletin in awhile lol sorry if its bad smh)


Posted December 10, 2023 at 10:48 pm

We will recognize Icenia.

Posted December 10, 2023 at 10:56 pm

Welcome Back!

Posted December 10, 2023 at 10:58 pm

I will see if there are any other nations that claim your land, if there are not, I will recognize you

Posted December 10, 2023 at 11:10 pm

can someone gimmie a map of nukeya rq so I can know what to unclaim
