Nation Bulletin

Blockaid of Norwegian Sea/warning to La Plata and other APSA nations

Trade ships are fine, military ones are not

By North Sea Press
12/06/2023 08:18 pm
Updated: 12/06/2023 08:18 pm

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King’s Court orders “Semi Blockaid” of Norwegian Sea

As tensions with Ambusin rapidly rise and Ambusin begins to request more and more foreign support, the king’s court was summoned to the royal household to discuss and vote on the appropriate action to take in this quickly developing situation. Eventually it was decided that a shutdown of the Norwegian Sea was necessary. The news of La Plata sending MILITARY ships to “aid” Ambusin only serves to further prove that neither of the two nations have friendly intentions and as such, the a decision has been reached. The 1st and 2nd fleets are to enforce a blockade of the Norwegian Sea against all military ships while the 3rd and 4th protect the homeland (I have 94 ships for the Norwegian navy, each of the 4 attack fleets have 20 ships and the 5th fleet is auxiliary/transport and usually sends little bits of itself to help out the 4 attack fleets). On top of this, there are rumors that missiles in Gothenburg and Oslo have begun being mobilized and transported for war preparations, these rumors are in fact true however, the court states that they do not plan to use them unless necessary. In the words of the High King “We do not seek out war but as it seems to find us, we must prepare for its arrival”

King Olav issues warning to La Plata and APSA about intervention in the Ambusin crisis

While tensions brew in the North and Norway begins to throw its lot in with the Soviet Federation and her Allies, fears of APSA attacks grow ever higher with coastal cities and towns experiencing the most paranoia as they are the most likely targets for the Ancys (I like Iberias nickname for them). For the King, it seems like Coastal defenses are not enough and that even further measures must be taken to ward off attackers. He has taken the time to write a series of letters to the leaders of Ambusin, La Plata, and APSA. These letters talk about the Norwegian nation’s strength of will and its ability to use all terrain to its advantage in the event of war, stating that “While our fighting force is not massive, for every one of us that falls, 10 of yours will”. They also mention that while peace would be desired, if all of these nations continue to threaten Norwegian sovereignty and Ambusin continues to deny Norway access to its ancestral lands, war will come and Norway as well as its Allies will be victorious. Now the people wait with baited breath to see if tensions will ever be lowered.

Sub Headlines

  • Gothenburg and surrounding territories allowed to select their own representative in the kings court
  • 2000 shells purchased from Sedrosia as Lend-Lease opens between the two nations
  • Old Nordic treasure stash discovered by archaeologists, begins transport to Oslo museum


Posted December 06, 2023 at 9:02 pm



Another nation on our side!

Posted December 06, 2023 at 9:30 pm

Hey hey hey, I ain’t with apsa. And I only did what I was asked for. I don’t even know why he needs those ships

Posted December 06, 2023 at 11:16 pm

We are not affiliated with APSA and as I stated before La Plata is only here if you decide to do attack. We have little to gain and everything to lose if we did a first strike. Before I called upon other nations for support you made a direct threat towards the kingdom. We are not aggressors.
