Nation Bulletin

J.P Exclusive: Janguresian Regional Council decides on flag change; nearing 300 days of Jangurupureri; quality of life report; special thing

THE JANGURUPURERI EXCLUSIVE, as reported & written by Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja of the JTAL Network (Janguresian Parliamentary Broadcasting Network)

By Mr. Yulagga-Mahki Suzkamoja of JTALN
12/03/2023 06:55 pm
Updated: 12/03/2023 06:55 pm

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Date Released:

October 2nd, 2094_xcHD-DxvuSip3DCn9Pz_Dsofx7ENSg-h9j0ra__1YBZh_NdhWp-OoN0-O5xiknfjFk_7l5II8IRx_ZjadEFJehSUWOaCQnJXro5mc7ZN8LVE6Ji2GYhzh74KVGcnPesjyhowgeVzoBdlMSPmyGOxoI/December, 3rd, 2023

FORMAT: Jangureisan Special Reporting Format #1 (JSRF #UNO)

R: (JGP) Mr. Y.M Suzkamoja1

Post Art:



Music asso. with artwork: Beach (Alternate Mix)

Name Of Transcript:

The Janguresian Council, led by former Sun Dragon Emperor (now part of UOI government), Wu Sassikastomo, has come together for a meeting regarding the potential redesign of a flag; Jangurupureri happens to be closing in at being almost 300 days old (about 10 - 20 yrs in Orbis Time); improving economic standards and being part of union help increase Janguresian standards of living; something special!!!

Over a decade ago, we became a nation, in around a decade's time, we stopped existing as a independent nation, but have existed in something far better: a union with cooperation, compassion, and freedoms at it's core.

ISSUE #1: Redesign? No. Discussion of Redesign.

Recently, the Sassikastomo adminstration of the Jangurupureri State, as well as the adminstrations of the original United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri (UMRJ), have called for a redesign of their individual state's flags, which will signify each state's own history with the UMRJ, and now as part of the Union of India. As such, the new banner flag for the united adminstrations of the former UMRJ regions have been considered creating drafts to send to the main UOI regarding this flag change, but many have had very difficult discussion with finding a clear answer, as some do call for a flag change, as some regions find it the old flag... well, old. Some feel as if it doesn't represent them, that it represents the "Janguresian Regions" without giving light to the fact that they now play more of a role within a larger state, being able to do things within a larger scale because of their involvement in the UOI. Some states feel as if that their role is so much more important than the Janguresian Regions, which is why they feel that a flag to represent this change in involvement and history must be made. On the other hand, keeping the original Jangurupureri flag can help bring light to the history of the Janguresian regions until they were joined together within the Union of India, and continue to be the symbol of the history and cultures that thrive in Jangurupureri, as well as it's original history of Independence and how this eventually led to them agreeing to become part of a Union, as a means to promote well-being in the South Asian region, as prosperity has been a thing that many Janguresians have often seek, and how the flag still represents a core feature of the flag, which is that although they may be different in their ways of life, history, and much more in each region, that they each fly together, united in strife and together in peace, which is what the motto of the Janguresian Regions still keep dear to this day. Overall, many internal regional discussions are being made about this to determine what should be done about the current flag.

Issue #2: Near 10-20 yrs (about 300 days) worth of Jangurupureri.

Now, the discussion of the anniversary of Jangurupureri is a complex one, as although the nation technically doesn't exist anymore, it's people, parts of adminstration, and overall policies still do remain; however, the adminstration of the Janguresian Regions is now more local as opposed to being more of a nation, but that's something that was discussed out all that time ago, when the Union of India was first being planned out. Many Janguresians, including those in the St. T'seulian region, which is a island located in the Ganges River, made to become "the Singapore of Jangurupureri," feel quite great about this, as it no longer requires passports to constantly do outside trade, which means that more people are able to get better standards of living, as the Union of India does border oceans, and so, it's much easier to get imports and be able to see the beach, and stuff like that. As a celebration of about 10-20 yrs of Jangurupureri, we'll be attempting to record some of the most important dates of Janguresian History: 


November, 2085 - Independence Day: (RP Lore): The day that the United Monarchist Republics of Jangurupureri was created, after getting independence from Nepal, which became a pivotal point in new discussions. 

(Technically, though, the IRL lore was that after I claimed some land in Nepal, which Bruhsam had held during the time, (Wu Sassikastomo) and Bruhsam discussed it out, and the end result was that A. Jangurupureri was able to acquire Nepal, but also B. It would start the relations of Jangurupureri, and the Chittagong State, which would be quite positive, as the discussions were pretty calm and understanding for both (Wu Sassikastomo)and Bruhsam during said time, at least, to (Wu Sassikastomo)'s perspective. This first encounter would kind of be the thing that would eventually lead to Jangurupureri not only becoming a thing, but also help work together in the Union of India, which (Wu Sassikastomo) believes is a severely amazing thing.)

December 23, 2085 - First media appearance on International Stage - On December 23, 2085, publishing platform at the time, Artwork Imperial, released to the international media stage, "Jangurupureri invents "City Anthems," as St. Shangri-La gets their own anthem," which kickstarted the current media coverage of Jangurupureri to this day.

06-20-2089 - Yunnan joins the UMRJ: In 2083, the Chittagong State (now the Union of India), annexed the Yunnan province in part due to the collaspe of Southern Nationalist China, and during the times between 2083 - 2089, it had stayed as a territory of the Chittagong State; however, most Yunnani opposed said annexation, and were thus given a democratic form of governing. Warlords were also established as part of the Yunnan province, whom had little to no power in their respective areas, and served mostly as mediators in time of local conflict; however, during this time, although Yunnan and the Chittagong State continued to have positive relations, Yunnan was treated more as a different country than an actual part of the Chittagong State, and few development projects were put into said areas; however, there was legislature that did attempt to defend the local cultures and develop it simultaneously. Yunnan was given to Jangurupureri due to positive relations with each other, that Jangurupureri and Yunnan share cultural similarities, and that our nation had promoted being a diverse commonwealth, which would be able to continue to protection of the local cultures and develop the area at the same time. 

2088 - The Olympic games of this year had helped promote Jangurupureri further in the world stage, showing our national pride, our national colors, and our athleticism, and allowing for Jangurupureri to become further integrated within the international community.

30th April, 2092 - The Union of India was created, which consisted of Bengal, East India, Jangurupureri, Pandya Kingdom, Shahdom of Kashmir and Winners at the time. This would become a pivotal moment in Janguresian History, as although the state of Jangurupureri would be reduced down to a local level due to this union, it ultimately granted Jangurupureri more economic prosperity, better cooperation, and overall, a better standard of living than previously.

If any of you know a bit more about Janguresian History, we'll be happy to hear, as this is the tip of the Iceburg. 

Issue #3: STONKS

Recently, standards of living have been able to go up as Jangurupureri has been improving thanks to the UOI economy, which has led to further repairs in infrastructure, as well as newly inputted infrastructure, more food avaliablity, and more resource accessiblity, which has led to the further improvement of Janguresian lives everywhere. Many Janguresian find the root of this prosperity to be due to their unification within the UOI, and this can be proven quite greatly, as around 86% of all Janguresians believe that their unification within the Union is the thing responsible for this leave of prosperity. 

Now, don't get me wrong, the Union has done a great deal in providing more accessibility & prosperity of Jangurupureri; however, it's not the only reason. The Janguresian Regional Council did invest a lot in keeping their supplies up, as well as fixing and improving infrastructure of the cities, where there is generally more land for the cities nowadays, as well as more infrastructural advancements regarding the amount of infrastructure currently being produced. Do not get us wrong, it's not exactly developing super fast, but this new-found accessibility in funds, food, and free trade have definitely also done a great deal in providing more to help the Janguresian people, but also, many have noticed that communication and discussion of the former UMRJ areas have been improving in part because of the ability to do more free-roam. This has allowed for the further cooperation of the regions, and has also made the Janguresian Regions much more successful.

Issue #4: Those Special Things.

These are quite special, as these appear to be quite good, which is to attempt to integrate back within the international community regarding the existence of our local community of the Janguresian Regions. Not only that, but recently, the Council has been interacting with the Federal Indian Government of the Union of India (or whatever the government's name is called for the union), in regards to economics. Our sources tell us that it's regarding the creation of a currency, or denomination? It's currently a developing story, but we don't quite know completely about the whole situation, but if this is the case, then this could do us good or do us bad. Now, while many others may not hold the sentiment, I do have high hopes that our federal government will be able to plan this currency out well, especially since it's more than a single head discussing it all, but rather multiple, which means more ideas and things can come through and help further refine the currency idea. 

Enough diddly-dallying, though, let's get into the special thing(s)...

So, the Janguresian Regional Council has noticed severe amounts of requests for the creation of countryballs for other countries, so the J.R.C came up with a template that can be used for others to make a good countryball avatar. This is the template that they wish to share to the public regarding how to make countryballs: Dn0eDKgzzfHBRJbficz2DDga4mJ-uzBXaZsHKSDU0HiD4Upp-wHbKURnSS9J5TF2hl_dATz3OZPlmBdjALBDczcF83_SIKSfRD1ejbW07nvX-xwfwehXd6-nu-pceHoU7_o3j8NrY5CX-9oZLOutq-s

The template posted above has examples for those to follow, and labels to ensure that people are able to know how to make a countryball with the countryball creator. It's a very basic template and hopes that the international community enjoys using this countryball creator to their own advantage.

  • Another special thing that's going to be happening is that Jangurupureri will attempt to become more active in the community again after staying on such a hiatus, and this is likely to happen within the coming several weeks, as a break emerges that could give the Regional Council more opportunities to once again interact with the international community.
  • One special thing that the Janguresian Regional Council has wanted to tell everyone is A. Happy Holidays, and B. That the Janguresian Regions thank you for always being there for them, everyone in the international community. You've really helped us form into the thing we are today, which is part of a union that's brought of great things. Through the international community, the JRC has not only learned about viewpoints that go against their viewpoints, which have opened the door to more consideration regarding topics, but have also helped them be able to have a better ability to speak to the public, as well as helped them find their ground in what their values are, and what they wish to change to improve not only themselves, but everyone around them. As such, the JRC has designed a card to wish the international community happy holidays.
  • This is that card: 5d5ac1428870a322d01c8e6fb518e2780b4c25821920x127495.png
  • Happy Holidays, everyone! For any time of year, regardless on if it's October, December, or any other month of the year, there's always some kind of celebration that can create some very good feelings, even in times of crisis. As such, the JRC wanted to celebrate the October holidays (IRL: December holidays) with something special.
  • (NON-RP: So for those of you that have been waiting for the next Commission art display thing regarding countryballs, because of several things going on in my life, which require a lot of my time and dedication on them, I haven't been able to really work on that. Regardless, I do wish to give you something at the end, which is why I created the Countryball Creator, so you have a template to create your own countryballs in a style similar to that of mine. I would like to know what you guys think about it, and what could be improved about it. Also, I'll try to be more online within the PnW community, but I can't say that I'll be able to do so; however, if I am able to do so, then in that case, I'll try to work on the bulletins a little bit more with the rest of the UOI, as this bulletin is kind of an independent bulletin, and not necessarily tied to the UOI. Because of this, A. this bulletin may be subject to change depending on UOI reactions to the bulletin, and B. I'll try to see if I can possibly work a little bit more with the UOI regarding bulletin making, as since I'm part of said union, I hold as much responsbility over the well-being and publicity of the union as well as any other member, and I wish to be able to uphold good standards with the union, as I believe anyone else in the union wishes to do as well, so this is why the bulletins may become more collaborative. This is why you see the name of the reporter above, with a tick mark and the abbreviation of the region that this reporter represents. 

(RP:) Everyone in the international community, we wish you happy holidays, we hope that things in the world continue to improve, and that we'll see you very soon once again! For now, this has been Yulagga-Mahki, signing off for today's broadcast!

"Beyond the skies we rise, United in strife, together in peace."




Posted December 04, 2023 at 2:57 am

I'll use your template! :b

Posted December 04, 2023 at 3:54 am

Wow nice

Posted December 04, 2023 at 7:29 am

Incredible bulletin (Also if u want to collaborate with Union to make the bulletins that is a great idea but don't feel pressured about it if u want to make independent bulletins then you should at the end of the day it you're choice .
And you should have fun with what ur doing, anyways mate great bulletin once again and I also imma be using that template Xd)

Posted December 04, 2023 at 1:50 pm

I use dark mode I can´t read the text :(


Posted December 05, 2023 at 4:13 pm

10/10 bulletin!

Posted December 05, 2023 at 4:31 pm

Nice and also happy 300 days of PnW
