Nation Bulletin

History of Exentaní

This is a summary of all the history of the exentanian nation

By Ministry of Education (Kapminis Ilaje)
11/29/2023 01:33 am
Updated: 11/29/2023 01:33 am

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It is believed that the first Exentanians arrived on the island in the last ice age. Thus, very little was populated, but the true splendor was when the first exile ships arrived in the 18th century. These were the result of the policies and punishments that took place in the Spanish and British colonies at that time. This is how it was populated and in the year 1694 the first modern city was founded by the hands of Mexican natives, who crossed where the current city of Esperanza is located, which was called "exentani" or "eshentani", which means "meeting".


"New arrivals" - Drawing made in the year of 1650.

Exentani was isolated from the world for years, even codices have been found stating that it was believed to be a unique place for "The chosen persons", and those who arrived had to be "cleansed", which happened the other way around, since the indigenous and Spanish exiles brought their Catholic religion, there were several clashes over religion, only a few temples and samples of altars to the original Exentanians, who praciced polytheism, have been preserved. There never existed a unified empire or state in the original stage, since the pre-exentanians were nomads or organized into city-states and they allied themselves depending on their gods, beliefs and ways of thinking in common. This stage ended when the island of Exentaní was discovered and exposed to the world in the year 1900, due to a shipwreck of the Mexican Felipe Hernández Peñalosa, who managed to negotiate with the natives who soon proclaimed him their leader due to the technologies and solutions to his problems that he brought with him, so he returned to Mexico a few years later with the title of exentanian "Hjas", which did not last long because this island by orders of the Mexican president Porfirio Díaz became a Mexican territory, which did not prosper like the other nation, since at that time the Mexican revolution was taking place. The following years, the world powers began to threaten and claim territory on the island from Mexico, which without other choice gave away, since it could not deal with so much chaos. It is worth mentioning that in this historical chapter there was a massive migration from various places to the island in search of safety and a new place. Thus, different regions of autonomous governments were installed on the island, which officially belonged to Mexico, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany, but there was also Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Canadian, and French occupation, among others. The independence of Exentaní began on November 20, 1920, when the leaders of the 5 autonomous regions met in Tepoztli, the capital of the Mexican zone, this being the largest, under pressure from their own governments of the countries which fearing the tension, let the Exentanians decide their future, where they decided that it was a very big threat of war to be totally annexed by one of these, so they opted for a second day sixth option: Independence. After the 4th day they chose their new king, who was democratically elected by the inhabitants of the island, the leader new leader, and the person who discovered Exentaní 20 years ago; Felipe I de Tepoztli, who is considered a founding father, faces the leaders of the then colonyzers on the 5th day in court. That was key to avoid a war. On the seventh day, a video was recorded, where the independence of Exentaní is made official, and this opens a new chapter in the history of Exentaní, where the objective is to face the main problems of independence. 


"Independence day" - Painting at the National royal art museum of Tepoztli.

Sadly, King Felipe died 10 years later, where the exentanians voted Felipe's cousin, Hugo Ibrahimovic as their new king, who was not exactly a hero. The first action he took was to invade several small countries in Oceania, who never recognized his government, and only suffered military occupation. The same fate suffered several places in Africa and Asia, to the point of almost provoking an even worse war than the one that was already taking place.


Exentanian guards on duty at the invasion of Philippines.

 The country was divided into two, those that recognized the government of Ibranóvic (Exentanian Federation which was allied with the axis powers in World War II) and those that did not, these resulted in a provisional government led by a person they called him " Hjas", as the original leaders. At the end of the Second World War these two clashed, and seeing that the anti-Ibranovists allied themselves with the winners of the war, their king simply abdicated and when they unified, the Monarchical Republic of Exentaní was formed as we know it now.


Exentanian armies being reunited

Today, the exentanian army is used on humanitarian aid missions abroad. Exentaní is the greatest economy in Latin America, and high life quality, comparable to Europe. It is also worth mentioning it's rich culture and modernity, ¡And the warm people who represent Latin American countries!.


KiasklehTiar celebration at the Tepoztli downtown



Posted November 29, 2023 at 1:34 am

Ask any questions here

Posted November 29, 2023 at 2:59 am

Are you in rp1?

Posted November 29, 2023 at 8:04 pm

I don't really know what do you mean with rp1

Posted November 29, 2023 at 8:24 pm

It’s like the main rp world which countries like me and Beanstopia, Soviet Federation, AFR, UPE, and more are in.

Posted November 29, 2023 at 8:40 pm

Not really actually I didn't know that existed. Exentaní exists in a different world. This is the map of it.
