Nation Bulletin

On the NEW RP Initiative

I am willing to sacrifice elements of realism purely for keeping this place fun and evolving

11/27/2023 06:09 am
Updated: 11/27/2023 06:09 am

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      I want to first acknowledge I know there are a few people also trying to establish a better community/framework for RP, especially TUI; Though I am proposing changes that wouId affect RP drastically, I also typically tend to go it alone when I'm suggesting stuff. I don't really feel a conversation with other people would bring much to the table, except in a few cases, as I am pretty confident in these ideas and a pretty staunch support of them. That being said, I appreciate TUI's interest in this, and his much more thoughtful, though in my opinion slow process of going about this is admirable, and he deserves recognition for that (Also cuz he's like the only person I ran this by)

Other Thanks to: Chad for talking with me abt this, and proposing stuff to AIex, Nukey for feedback during discussion with Chad, Pino for feedback on RP conference GC (even tho I hate you grrr) 


Additionally, I am willing to sacrifice elements of realism purely for keeping this place fun and evolving, I want to avoid a world where the UN stops every war except for those for "liberation" and "democracy". Imagine if a communist world organization invaded everyone and only allowed wars for the purpose of "protecting the workers". This doesn't mean I'm opposed to world dominating empires OOC, but if you plan to have a world hegemon, it should last for at max 5 years without any opposition from another powerful country.

The 10 "guard rails" of RP 

le copy and paste

1 - Nuclear Bombs requires the nuclear project, additionally, development and deployment of nuclear weapons should adhere to protocols in 'A Proposed ResoIution on NucIear Weapons RoIepIay'. (Mostly in accordance with 4)

About my stance on projects: I'm not including missile project or other projects to this, because I only believe this should apply to things that would have a very large impact on RP, such as nuclear bombs, given basically everyone has missiles. I dont think this should translate economic wise, unless you're like, building a dyson sphere or some crap. I think what I've done with just "spend 5 years or so" on it with econ/infrastructure projects is preferable, and strikes a balance between people who like RP but aren't fans of in-game development :), ok bye

2 - Satellites and Space WMDs/Stations require the corresponding projects, for alien/spacefaring nations, see 3.

explanation see the info under 1

3 - Alien/Spacefaring nations are allowed to exist in mainstream rp; However, they are forbidden from using such technology for military purposes or significant economic purposes, say the introduction of a new resource, or revolutionary mining/construction tech that would not be available to a non-alien nation.

I think this is agreeable, an example of an acceptable alien/spacefaring nation would be one which invites the leaders of Orbis to an intergalactic party, or say, spaceship crashes in the middle of nowhere, but its resources can't be harvested by humans, and though you could argue they'd have better weapons then humans, it'd be in a small controlled way that doesn't overpower everything. Just to keep everything fair, while also allowing for fun

4 - Building anything requires time, a Dam may require 5 years, or 1 if you're using illegal labor methods and unsafe construction practices, but make sure to rolelpay consequences if it's the latter!! A submarine might take 1 and a half, a carrier might take 10, and remember its costs money and manpower. New Nations start with squat, nada, unless they are carved out of another nation which has a basis for its tech/equipment/infra/etc. However, if you can justify a reason why you'd have faster construction/related, then by all means take that into account.

I think this is one of the more important, and even agreeable things, but when it comes down to practice and deciding what amount of time for construction is realistic, there might be some controversial discussions, especially by nation's who are more hostile to having their rps being called unrealistic, or those who feel this would benefit older nations. That's kind of the point though, no nation starts with 200 ships, and amazing cities. You don't have to start from scratch, but please take this into consideration with your military and whatnot, as you are interacting with other people, where it'd be unfair if you're just as strong/stronger than them despite them having put so much more work in.

For the last part: Possible reasons you could justify this: spending 5 years developing really good construction tech/having a very large workforce, or very efficient companies (but that's not a given!!!, you must rp that at some point!)


5 - Wars cannot be declared without a valid CB, Valid CBs can include expansion, ethnic unification, any motive of an established group like decolonization, or spreading communism, but only if you can prove that your population/leaders support those ideas, nobody would ever support "spreading silly" or "the funni", and remember to consider 6. Revenge (for this your nation must suffer negative effects of whatever you're getting revenge for), etc

If you're inactive/going on break/dont want a war for MH reasons, see 9

Reminder that just because your CB may be valid doesn't mean it can't be considered unjustified/wrong by other nations, you may not think decolonization is a valid CB, but other nations might, and it's perfectly ok for someone to use that. Basically, if Poland wants to throw a hissy fit and go to every democratic nation asking for aid if they're being invaded by the USSR for "liberation of workers", it's 100% fine to do so, just like its ok for you to attack them.

This also extends to diplomacy and international disputes, the landlocked Kingdom of Makushaland shouldn't be sending thousands of soldiers to a landlocked monarchy 9,000 miles away, just because their king and queen are having a messy divorce.

6 - Roleplay the effects of war. This can include protests, rationing, shortages, mutiny's, etc. If you spend 20 years building a militaristic population and a bunch of supplies, you can argue some wouldnt apply, but you also have to take in consideration the cost of that preparation, AND, stuff like your roads being destroyed, or your factories being bombed.

Wars might be fun for you, but they aren't fun for civilians, trying to keep wars infrequent is a key part in making your rp unrealistic, this applies in a lesser extent to PMCs/war focused nations, which are allowed, but no nation is immune to this!

Additionally, consider your nation's culture and problems. as we can see irl, many in the US want to oppose more US interventionism/military spending because they think it's imperialist/a waste of time and manpower/they don't want to get drafted/there are economic problems that people feel should have more focus. A nation which isn't at whole with itself is bound to have opposition from the inside when it goes to war, roleplay that, it's interesting!

7 - Quantity < Quality, as a general rule of thumb, you shouldn't surpass the US in military stats, this can have a few rare exceptions. For possible such cases, remember that the US has been a world super-power for over a century, that's 3x longer than RP has even existed at time of writing.

8 - If someone asks you to coordinate an RP, that is considered out of character, and is not considered valid intelligence in RP, or a valid CB

This is mostly to protect you from a "pre-emptive strike" if you just want to find a way to be realistic in your rp, why should you be punished for trying to act in the best interest of both players? The following, etc is still considered valid intelligence: leaks from discord servers, any other types of leaks, a hunch (must not be bad-faith, and this doesn't protect you from RP consequences if that hunch is disproven)

9 - Inactivity/Breaks: Everyone may need some time away to address their MH, schoolwork, etc, 99/100 people here have taken one, or will take one eventually, even if its just a week. To qualify for protection/immunity during such periods you should:

Articulate it in a bulletin/discord post that at-least more than 4 (5+) people can see

Acknowledge you cannot have any economic/military/ progress during that time (pre-existing construction is fine) 

Not be in any ongoing conflicts at the initiation of the inactivity

Make sure your inactivity must not exceed 365 Days or greater in length (this means bulletin posting, not logging in)

Additionally, not required, but it'd be very nice if you approached everyone you have disputes/contention with, if any at all, and talk to them about respecting your inactivity, and also what will happen to those disputes while you're gone, or once you return :)

10 - Player controlled rebels are allowed in non-core territories of your nation, for anything else the person wanting to rebel will have to coordinate their RP with the OG nation.

Core Territory is anything that does not have any of the following as a property: 

Been apart of the nation for less than 5 years

Has not been ethnically apart/combined with a nation for 20 years (1 generation)

Has been the land of a nation that is canon to your rp as long as 20 years ago (1 generation) - eg: Dauchh Palki is a canon nation to Beanstopia


While writing this, I literally forgot what I was going to write, and instead it became Number 10: RebeIs, (I suck with remembering details and I'm tired) Reason I'm telling you this, there is likely stuff I missed, so don't be afraid to leave suggestions and feedback, and don't be surprised if theres Volume 2 of this


10.5 - As a final note, I am firmly against any and all types of rp moderation via authoritative powers. I think a better way is to rp with peopIe who onIy foIIow similar guideIines to this/try to encourage other peopIe to use this. The reasons for this being, I don't want to rp with someone who only implemented such ideas/restrictions because they were forced too, theres also potential for this to be abused, and removes the atmosphere of freedom that many people like about this place. Freedom of Association, not Freedom to be bossed around by someone who's more popular than you.


and since Iegio asked why some of my I's are i's (capitaI and sometimes non capital), its because my keyboard is broken :(


Posted November 27, 2023 at 5:14 pm

^ I agree mostIy, but you can't prove abuses in non-core territories without the permission of the rper who is in the interest of denying you cIaims, so I'd rather just not make those cIaims

Posted November 27, 2023 at 5:26 pm

The Arghilian government agrees with the 3rd suggestion, we would not ruin the galaxy, therefore we decided to destroy our Trichonderogan II class starship

(Anyways, good bulletin about future rp;)

Posted November 27, 2023 at 7:08 pm

Iet me caII the based department?

Posted November 27, 2023 at 8:21 pm

I agree with all of these I am trying to be active it is just hard with my life happening.

Posted November 27, 2023 at 8:33 pm

@dauchh, you are correct on that. However, I would argue that some cases do include mentions in bulletins that mention human rights abuses (an example that comes to mind was a few years ago when Iberia was basically committing genocide against the Portuguese) But i agree in most cases unless actually stated in a bulletin, then it's kind of hard to prove. But I digress, it's an idea at least. 

Posted November 28, 2023 at 12:58 pm

Makes sense 

Posted November 30, 2023 at 1:17 pm

What if somebody has the nuclear or missile project before their nation is created in rp? Do they still have nukes immediately after joining rp?

Posted November 30, 2023 at 1:19 pm


Posted December 04, 2023 at 4:39 am

Damn i thought most of these were already rules

Posted December 08, 2023 at 8:57 pm

Me just remembering what I was going to ask from awhile ago, hehe. Which projects do I not need and which ones would I need?
