Nation Bulletin

Aithne Daughtery Visits The British Empire and Anthelme J. Daughtery Vists Iberia | The Melon World Tour

Melon World Tour

By Sir Logan Watermelon
11/24/2023 10:05 pm
Updated: 11/24/2023 10:05 pm

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Aithne Daughtery Visits The British Empire

By someone


Recently, Aithne Daughtery and Anthelme J. Daughtery decided to tour the world. Aithne Daughtery first visited The British Empire...

She arrived at the London Airport with her 14 bodyguards and rented a car so that here driver could drive her to her hotel. She rented out the entire hotel so that it would be more private and so that here bodyguards, her driver, and other people to aid her. She got settled and visited the HUGE British Museum, where she saw tons of artifacts, such as stuff from the Louvre and other random stuff from the world. It was an entertaining experience. When Aithne Daughtery left she was surrounded by paparazzi, but the bodyguards were able to take care of it. The next day she traveled around London to see some of the famous buildings such as Big Ben and The Shard. After the tour she decided to try the British food. She unsurprisingly threw up immediately but acted nice about it and said that she was just a bit sick to her stomach. But we all know it was because of the British Food. Soon after this she packed up her things and went to the airport to go on her next flight which is to Japanese Isles!


Anthelme J. Daughtery Visits Iberia

By someone


Recently, Aithne Daughtery and Anthelme J. Daughtery decided to tour the world. Anthelme J. Daughtery first visited Iberia...

His trip was cut short, as hell broke loose with a large amount of chaos happening due to Iberia's war against the Soviet Federation. Anthelme J. Daughtery was able to visit many museums in Barcelona, and he enjoyed the native food and culture. The building also was very cool looking, and he was surprised that he had never visited Barcelona when The Melon owned it. Anthelme really liked the food and vowed to get the food in The Melon. He also couldn't imagine the horrors of British Food that Aithne Daughtery must have seen. But that didn't matter, what mattered was getting a flight to Sedrosia, which was his next stop, without having the risk of getting shot down by a Soviet Missile. Eventually he took the risk, but he was safe on the flight and managed to get to Sedrosia safely.


Posted November 24, 2023 at 10:45 pm

What about my visit to you (already ended)

Posted November 24, 2023 at 10:55 pm

Oh, sorry about not making a bulletin about that, I just forgot 

Posted November 24, 2023 at 11:09 pm

Why do people hate on the British cuisine so much. I bet you have never tried it. Other than that, nice bulletin :) 

Posted November 24, 2023 at 11:25 pm

Would you like to visit Kolakia?

Posted November 24, 2023 at 11:48 pm

@Kolakia, we plan on visiting every country possible


@The British Empire, the internet

Posted November 25, 2023 at 12:03 am

You should visit Korea, even though I'm not even independent, you still should, I'll have a Kitiyoisho Type III ready for you.
