Nation Bulletin

Al-Agebeyah Police Clashing due to parking wrong


By Reporter Abdul Sirha
11/23/2023 06:15 pm
Updated: 11/23/2023 06:15 pm

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Today just a few moments ago a car parked sideways, and a recently arrived immigrant parked his car right were he parked sideways. The Immigrant said !حرك سيارتك غبي (Move your car stupid!) The Native Person who parked sideways yelled !اهتم بشؤونك الخاصة (mind your own business) then the native person called 911 and police arrived at the scene. Since police officers in Al-Agebeyah are rough, the decided to take their anger and the two of them, Fortunately, None of them had any kids, so the police pulled out a AK-47 and started shooting at the Black ram the native was driving. he was shot in his car, and the immigrant sped past the police car, and a police chase started. When they were on a Highway in the Sahara, The Police Cars Roof opened and a officer appeared holding a machine gun. the tires were shot and pooped and they crashed along the infamous Highway 64 In south Al-Agebyah.

Right now police are facing Prison Time for Terrorism.