Nation Bulletin

Armed Forces go on the offensive in support of allies

All things are going well

By Michael Brownly
05/02/2021 05:13 am
Updated: 05/02/2021 05:13 am

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Today at 13:50 the Illushan Armed forces release a statement to the press regarding recent military actions from both the Navie Royal and the Illushan Army. according to the Armed forces press secretary, forces from the Ilushan Army 14th Armored Brigade and 4th Infantry Regiment have been sent into Return to Monke territory in response to them attacking fellow Order of the White Rose member state of Axios


14th Armored Brigade M1A2 Abrams tank firing upon Monke positions near Kipunji.

while details were not made apparent over the current state of this military operation we do know that as things stand the leadership of the Illushan Army feels confident that they will win this war in a manageable timeframe. 


Illushan soldiers of the 4th Infantry Regiment making headway in Coimbra Filho's titi. 

As for the Navie Royal the press security announced that Carrier Task Force Victus has carried out around 50 sorties in support of Cossackian forces as they push into Zapaurelia using mainly A-6 Intruders though several flights of F/A-18 Super Hornets were utilized for Air-Supremacy and recon. all sorties were considered a success and the task force suffered no casualties amongst its pilots or aircraft


   A-6 Intruder from VA-23 returning from a successful bombing run targeting UTTD positions 

while some within the press are worried about this being seen as warmongering many will be quick to point to recent global events and a certain leak necessitating the armed forces to begin readying themselves for future wars by any means necessary. as of now though Carrier Task Force Victus will remain in Cossackian waters for the time being to provide any future aid while the 14th Armored Brigade and 4th Infantry Regiment continue there offensive  


Posted May 02, 2021 at 6:30 am

nice story telling and article
