Nation Bulletin

Another Illegal Land Claim

Think on Your Sins, Mr. Bond

By Secretary of State Katie Sohldacher
11/14/2023 07:50 pm
Updated: 11/14/2023 07:50 pm

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In the Western Hemisphere, the sale of Louisiana to Gran Colombia will not be recognized. Once again, New France has facilitated an illegal unilateral sale of territory in violation of the JGP, although our current intelligence indicates that New France intended to set up communications with us in order to sort the deal out. However, it appears that Gran Colombia blatantly disregarded any sort of communication attempt and set about to attempt to make an illegal seizure of this land. This, of course, will not be allowed to stand, and if Gran Colombia does not renounce their claim to Louisiana, they will be met with decisive military force.

Gran Colombia is yet to land any expeditionary force of significance on American soil. It is simply physically impossible. At the time of their announcement, they had only claimed the territory. They had not yet actually consolidated that territory. It is currently two Orbis days later, and the Colombian expeditionary unit is steaming ahead for Louisiana. They are expected to make landfall sometime in the next week (around the next 12 hours of IRL time). The armed forces of the United Imperium will make sure that this does not happen. 

The military of the United Imperium outnumbers Gran Colombia overwhelmingly in terms of ground vehicles, air vehicles, and naval vessels. The Imperium also holds a significant edge from a manpower standpoint compared to Gran Colombia. There is also the intelligence and technological advantage to consider (one nation has far more national projects than the other, and Gran Colombia is on the losing end of that. In addition, we actually have a formal intelligence agency. Colombia does not). Finally, since we are playing defense, we have defender's advantage. 

A contingent of 75,000 troops has been deployed to New Orleans and the greater Louisiana area to prevent an illegal incursion of troops from Gran Colombia. A conditional blockade (civilian ships may pass, but hostile military vessels will be attacked on sight) has been placed on the Louisiana coastline and territorial waters, while air defenses are on maximum alert across the region. Wartime-readiness Combat Air Patrol flights are currently in operation at standard size and scale. Imperium Nuclear Forces have been moved to DEFCON Three in preparation for a potential escalation of the conflict. 

The 75,000 troop contingent in Louisiana is operating under standard procedure for any military occupation with some caveats: members of the National Guard, rather than the Expeditionary Command, are advising on the execution of the occupation. Second: there is no change in the day-to-day life for citizens of New Orleans and Louisiana since the purpose of the occupation is not a traditional occupation but rather a safeguard against hostile forces. No military police, no admiral courts, no nothing of that sort. Thirdly, the NIEA & ABWTF have collaborated to build a real time intelligence network across the city in order to find, diagnose, and eliminate any internal threats of sabotage. Finally, a further 75,000 troop contingent is also in preparation to continue the defense of the region.

Try as Gran Colombia might, they are hopelessly outmanned and outgunned. Their illegal claim to these lands will not pass.


Posted November 15, 2023 at 4:04 am

I'm probably going to holding that beer of yours until the end of time, seeing as outnumber you in literally every military facet and you don't even have an intelligence agency.

Posted November 15, 2023 at 4:52 am


We Americans (here meaning people from the USA. Don't tell us to call ourselves anything else. there's nothing else we can) typically mean the USA when we just say 'America'. 'North America' is North America. 'South America' is South America. We consider them separate, and refer to them as the "Americas" when we do refer to them both


Posted November 15, 2023 at 4:58 am

Ima tell you what I told Colombia: drop ypur dang pride and compromise. This is one war I will go to ENORMOUS lengths to avoid even starting, includingvoiding

Posted November 15, 2023 at 5:11 am

What compromise? This is a blatantly illegal land grab with no possible valid casus belli. He didn’t even fulfill his side of the deal with New France, let alone anything else. And your voids will mean nothing as official moderation is going to take total precedence here.

Posted November 15, 2023 at 5:17 am

Ok well I can't allow a war between you two

Posted November 15, 2023 at 5:53 am

Tell Colombia to back off of his illegal land claims then. I'm defending sovereign land from a blatant attempt at expansionism. By any means necessary.

Posted November 15, 2023 at 11:52 am

Wow what a surprise I never thought this would happen (sarcasm)

Posted November 15, 2023 at 4:24 pm

No, my understanding is that France went through the appropriate channels but Colombia just flipped the bird at her.

Posted November 15, 2023 at 4:45 pm

Nebelystan will intervene at TUI's side if it'll come to a war.
