Nation Bulletin

Biden Administration suppressed study which shows there is no safe level of Flouride in water.

Our findings therefore demonstrate that a fluoride-free diet encouraged pinealocyte proliferation and pineal gland growth in aged animals and fluoride treatment inhibited gland growth.

By King Cloud
11/12/2023 06:31 am
Updated: 11/12/2023 06:31 am

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Some drugs adding a Flouride molecule to them can supposedly make them more effective, but I feel they're also more toxic & weary of them because of this calcification of the pineal gland. Yet Government poisons us with pure Fluoride in our water supply. (Pineal Gland is so important, even without the melatonin function operational in transplanted Pineal Glands, prolonged lifespans up to 27%. It's importance goes beyond survival to me. If a drug will make you spiritually dumb, the government will poison you with it no matter how toxic. So much for caring about our health.)

"In addition to the anatomic and morphological studies, the functional studies of ectopic pineal gland grafts provided promising results. When the pineals of young mice (3–4 months) were grafted into thymus of the old mice (17–18 months), they partially prevented thymic involution in the old animals due to an anti-apoptotic activity [287]. The similar result was observed in the rats. When the pineal glands of young animals were transplanted into the thymus of old rats, they preserved the age-related alterations in erythrocyte membranes by increasing their hemolysis time and decreasing their peroxidation [288]. The young pineal transplants into the thymus of old mice could even prolong the recipients’ life span up to 27% compared to the controls [222]. The authors attributed the life prolongation effects to that the grafted pineal gland might release high level of nocturnal melatonin which acted on the thymus to rejuvenate the gland and preserved the immune responsiveness of these old animals to the levels of young animals."

"Based on these results, we speculated that a more suitable way to preserve a healthy and functional pineal gland is either to !@#$ its calcification or to recover the functions of the calcified gland. As mentioned, several pathological conditions might promote the premature pineal calcification. However, the environmental biohazards may also contribute to its development. One of them is fluoride. It was reported that the pineal gland in goosander concentrates fluoride which is a water pollutant [290]. The level of fluoride in the pineal gland of goosander was 5-fold higher than that it in the brain of the animal. The similar results were observed in the aged human pineal gland. In addition, the high level of fluoride in the human pineal gland is positively related to its calcium accumulation of the gland [291]. Thus, decrease in environmental fluoride pollution may be helpful in delaying or avoiding premature pineal calcification."


Fluoride-Free Diet Stimulates Pineal Growth in Aged Male Rats

Aaron Mrvelj   2 Mark D Womble 



The pineal gland is a naturally calcifying endocrine organ which secretes the sleep-promoting hormone melatonin. Age-related changes of the pineal have been observed, including decreased pinealocyte numbers, increased calcification, and a reduction in melatonin production. Since fluoride is attracted to calcium within the pineal gland, this study sought to examine the effects of a fluoride-free diet on the morphology of the pineal gland of aged male rats (26 months old). All animals had previously been raised on standard fluoridated food and drinking water. These control animals were compared to other animals that were placed on a fluoride-free diet ("fluoride flush") for 4 or 8 weeks. At 4 weeks, pineal glands from fluoride-free animals showed a 96% increase in supporting cell numbers and at 8 weeks a 73% increase in the number of pinealocytes compared to control animals. In contrast, the number of pinealocytes and supporting cells in animals given an initial 4-week fluoride flush followed by a return to fluoridated drinking water (1.2 ppm NaF) for 4 weeks were not different from control animals. Our findings therefore demonstrate that a fluoride-free diet encouraged pinealocyte proliferation and pineal gland growth in aged animals and fluoride treatment inhibited gland growth. These findings suggest that dietary fluoride may be detrimental to the pineal gland.

Keywords: Aging; Calcification; Drinking water; Fluoridation; Fluoride; Melatonin; Neurodegenerative disease; Pineal gland; Pinealocytes.


Biden Administration suppressed study which shows there is no safe level of Flouride in water. (Only know about the study because of a lawsuit. Study essentially showed what studies had shown before in China, lower IQ in Children who drink Fluoride Contaminated Water.)


Posted November 12, 2023 at 11:28 am

Florida has been poisoning American water for so long now.... The UK get there daily fluoride poisoning  via Colgate.

best water to drink is Reverse osmosis....

However Graphene Oxide nanoparticles has become a more... deadly threat. 
