Nation Bulletin

Nebelystan declares Khorasan Pact as official

The Khorasan Pact

By Drew Allister
11/11/2023 09:40 pm
Updated: 11/11/2023 09:40 pm

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Today, on January 16th, 2094, Nebel V signed a mutual defense and economic pact with the leader Hashim of Hashemites. This day marks a new chapter starting in both nations. 

In a landmark development, Nebel V and Hashemites have officially solidified their alliance by signing a mutual defense and economic pact, rooted in the shared belief of Islam. The agreement, sealed by Nebel V's leadership and Hashim of Hashemites, not only marks a strategic partnership but also starts a new chapter in the beginning of a new era.


This groundbreaking pact, announced today, embraces the values of Islam as a guiding force in the diplomatic relations between the two nations. Nebel V and Hashemites, bound by a common faith, have chosen to stand together in the pursuit of peace, security, and economic prosperity while upholding the principles of Islam.


The mutual defense aspect of the pact aligns with the Islamic principle of solidarity and mutual support among Muslim nations. Nebel V and Hashemites, cognizant of the challenges facing the Muslim world, have united to contribute to regional stability and security in accordance with their shared beliefs.


Simultaneously, the economic provisions of the pact are envisioned as a means to foster sustainable development, aligning with the principles of economic justice emphasized in Islam. By leveraging their resources and capabilities, Nebel V and Hashemites aim to create opportunities for prosperity and well-being for their citizens, guided by Islamic economic principles.


Leaders from both nations expressed their commitment to fostering a diplomatic relationship that respects the tenets of Islam. In a joint statement, they highlighted the significance of Islamic values in shaping the foundation of their alliance, emphasizing mutual understanding, tolerance, and cooperation.


The international community is observing this alliance with a keen interest, recognizing the importance of Islamic solidarity in shaping diplomatic ties. As Nebel V and Hashemites embark on this journey together, the world anticipates the positive impact of this alliance on the broader context of Islamic cooperation and unity.


The signing of this mutual defense and economic pact not only cements a strategic alliance but also reflects the shared commitment of Nebel V and Hashemites to the principles and values of Islam. As these nations move forward, the world will be watching how this Islamic alliance contributes to the advancement of peace, stability, and prosperity in the region.



Posted November 11, 2023 at 9:09 pm

Another TFP W

Posted November 11, 2023 at 9:10 pm

Glad to be here for this paramount moment for regional stability, security and economic prosperity.
