Nation Bulletin

In a blazing feat of speed, EveryoneSad reached the moon within 65 days and claims moon as its own territory.

Under the leadership of NotSad, EveryoneSad have reached the moon with building the moon landing project.

By NotSad
11/07/2023 06:35 pm
Updated: 11/27/2023 08:56 am

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Today is a glorious day for the monke species all around the world, EveryoneSad have built Moon Landing project and have become the 72nd country to reach moon surface and 63rd nation to get the achievement of Lunar Wars.


with this great feat EveryoneSad have laid claim to the whole moon and declare moon to be called NotSad Moon. 

the world can only watch as from today they have no choice but to call moon NotSad Moon. what a glorious name, far better than Moon. i mean who came by with such a name Moon. anyway, now that we have fixed this mistake and its NotSad Moon.

Now you all may also want to achieve something so great as the glorious and the strongest country EveryoneSad. but you see, there is only one greatest country, and it is EveryoneSad.

All hail EveryoneSad!!!


Posted November 07, 2023 at 6:41 pm

From the first nation to go to Mars, congrats on making this big step to your quest across the cosmos!
