Nation Bulletin

VICTORY! The Doge Empire won Global War 29

remarkable success

By Kaiser Supreme Doge Ruler
11/02/2023 06:15 pm
Updated: 11/02/2023 06:15 pm

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The Doge Empire's remarkable success in Global War 29 is nothing short of awe-inspiring. With a net damage of $3,042,686,747, this burgeoning superpower displayed its dominance on the global stage. Engaging in a total of 53 wars, they showcased their formidable military prowess with 43 offensive wars and 10 defensive wars.

The damage dealt by The Doge Empire amounted to a staggering $3,323,869,084, a testament to their strategic acumen and unwavering determination. What's even more impressive is their ability to minimize their losses, with only $281,182,337 in damage taken. This signifies a keen understanding of military strategy and the importance of safeguarding their resources.

In the overall rankings, The Doge Empire secured an impressive #23 position, highlighting their ascension in the world of international conflict. Their remarkable achievements in Global War 29 have solidified their reputation as a force to be reckoned with on the global stage, and they have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the annals of military history.


Posted November 02, 2023 at 6:05 pm

double of what i made in previous GW

good job!
