Nation Bulletin

An Oasis in the Sahara


By News
10/30/2023 09:09 pm
Updated: 10/30/2023 09:09 pm

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2 wanderers attempted to traverse the Sahara desert. It was clearly an unintelligent idea, since noone could help them, but they had one goal in mind: Finding the city of Prosperity and Freedom. The "myth" was told through traders sailing from the atlantic to the district of Nouakchott. A large City filled with Skyscrapers, Culture and prosperity was described by them called "Neocoris Sahariya", home of many different people. Many attempted to find that City, but failed utterly leaving them to the mercy of the burning sun and the freezing moon. Will the 2 wanderers meet the same fate? 2 Months of Traveling, several drops in moral and a drained bank account later lead to the first sight of an suburban like area. Was it a mirage, or the real deal? They asked the locals and replied it had in fact been a district of Neocoris Sahariya. But the funny part is: Nouakchott was a district of the City all along. But not in the former algerian Sahara, but in former Mauretania.

The 2 travelers were relieved to hear, but they didnt know this travel would set off a chain of events unforseeable by anyone  
