Nation Bulletin

Peace and Stability At Last!

Bashar Al-Assad leads Souriyan Armed Forces to victory against various rebels, and the nation rejoices.

By Sadiq Al-Jawbari
10/17/2023 07:27 pm
Updated: 10/17/2023 07:27 pm

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After 12 years of continuous conflict in the country of Souriya, the Souriyan Armed Forces have finally achieved complete victory with the final rebellious group, the Free Souriyan Army, surrendering on October 15th 2023. This marks a turning point in Souriyan history, and at last the country can enjoy peace and stability while beginning to rebuild itself economically.

Continuous bloodshed, airstrikes and explosions traumatised this country, with the promise of peace seeming to be dwindling as the war against these vile groups waged on. Almighty Bashar seemed as if he may be cornered with the rising up of groups such as Rojova and !@#$; however in the most dire of times, he proved why he is referred to as "Almighty".

The adept nature of Bashar's military leadership showed as he fought off those creatures one by one, using his extensive knowledge to guide his soldiers to victory. He stood with his men, and was prepared to die with them as the fight for peace ensued. And now this has all culminated with the end of all resistance to Assad's rule.

Bashar has been quick to shift the gear from celebrating victory to rebuilding from the losses, showing just how much he cares for the Souriyan people. In just 2 days the GDP per capita of the nation has shot up by a whopping 27%. Millions of dollars have been invested into rebuilding important infrastructure such as hospitals and schools, and a booming oil and steel industry is now being founded in major cities like Damascus and Aleppo. In more rural communities, the discovery of uranium has led to a massive 35% drop in unemployment rates and the Souriyan government are making sure this industry benefits the local community as well as the big businesses.

As always, we must make sure to praise Bashar; for what he has done, and for he is continuing to do.

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