Nation Bulletin

The militia's call

Polish Revolt: part 3

10/10/2023 07:19 pm
Updated: 10/10/2023 07:19 pm

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News Broadcast begins:

After days of endless brutality and violence, Kiev has finally decided to send in the national guard to put a swift and decisive end to the chaos and put a swift end to it they did. Recordings pop up on the web of the alleged brutality used by Ukrainian authorities. With one such recording allegedly showing as several national guard troops lined up a group of rioters and shot all of them dead in an alleyway. While these recordings are fake (they arent), it matters not as there is one thing for certain, the nearly 10 day straight riot has led to the needless deaths of many innocent Ukrainians and Poles alike. In the immediate aftermath of the riots, the Ukrainian government has ordered that martial law be implemented in Warsaw and the surrounding cities, and as a separatist militia begins to grow in the countryside, the government has declared that any information leading to the capture of these nationalist terrorists be rewarded. Glory to U—

The Broadcast is interrupted and all news channels show a recording of Old Lunorian brutality (this one in particular being from the ghettos filled with starving “undesirables”) while a man of clear polish background does his voice over

“Do not listen to the lies those fat cats up in kiev tell you. All the rumors of Police brutality during those unfortunate riots are true, and what you see on the screen now is the true face of your overlords. Before the rise of the Soviet Federation and our current “Greater Ukraine” there existed a nation known as the Lunorian Empire, this Old Lunoria is the true depths of Russian and Ukrainian Cruelty. They would deport “criminals and traitors to the state” to these ghettos and work camps no different from the gulags of the Soviet Union but these people in reality were simply whoever the government wanted to torture and be rid of. Many will still remember the cruelty that Poland has endured under Fascism and Communism, we cannot allow it any longer. We must fight for the day that rather than “Glory to Ukraine” or “Glory to the Union” us Poles can say “Glory to Poland”, the day that Poland decides that it will no longer suffer under foreign rule. I know that many will claim that the Soviet Federation and the URS are different but allow me to ask you, how many people do you know that can question the government without fear that they and their families will be persecuted? Those that would truly like to join the fight for a free Poland will know where to go.”

The broadcast returns to normal and the news broadcast ends off with a we’ll be right back screen

