Nation Bulletin

Poles Gather in Warsaw

Polish Revolt: part 1

By Storytime
10/08/2023 11:54 am
Updated: 10/08/2023 11:54 am

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Poland has long been puppeted or outright dominated by foreigners going back even before the days of Old Lunoria. However words still do not describe the horrors many Poles would face under Old Lunorian occupation, and then of course, there was the brutal system workers faced on farms and plantations under Neo-German rule. It would seem that even dispite Soviet and Ukrainian rule being rather tame compared to past occupiers, there are some in the country that long for a fully independent Poland.


This group of 200 would sneak out in the dark of night splitting up and grouping back together to avoid being suspected by law enforcement, they finally arrive at the desired location for protest. They set up camp at the entrance of a nearby park and prepare to make their move. As the sun begins to rise above the city the man organizing this gathering stands on a pile of crates and begins to speak through a megaphone.

"I thank you all for gathering here today so that we may take a stand against oppression. For too long Poland has been kicked to the curb, subjecated, and oppressed by foreigners. No more I say. We must take a stand, and show our rulers that we will no longer simply roll over and let people like the Soviets control every aspect of our lives. I know it sounds outlandish, maybe even impossible, but we must look our oppressors in the eye and say No more foreign rule"

As passerbys began to hear the speech of this man many will stop what they are doing and join the growing crowd, if only to simply listen to the man speak. After a short while the crowd that started at only 200 had grown to almost 800 and in a short while longer, would grow to over 1000. Now police had begun to investigate this large gathering but would be unable to find a way through the growing crowd. Calling for potential backup incase things go violent, loyalist authorities would begin to set up barricades to block the street and park off from traffic and potentially wait out the protest. The police chief would arrive on scene and pull put his own megaphone shouting for the protesters to disperse, but they still would not listen. As night would arrive once again the group of now over 1200 had completely taken over the park and a good amount of the street was pretty much under their control to an extent. To prevent Police raids into the park and camped out protesters from being arrested as they slept, several guards armed with simple tools kept watch but were told to not use any makeshift weapons unless required to. Whether this truly is a deterrent for loyalist police remains to be seen


Posted October 08, 2023 at 12:04 pm

You're Poland now?

Lunoria is a femboy confirmed.

Posted October 08, 2023 at 12:06 pm

No, not yet

I'm just doing a Polish revolt and when I'm about done with it ill see how I feel

If I still feel like Ukraine isn't the way to go, ill become the first independent Poland in God knows how long, if I'm fine being Ukraine still, ill crush the hopes and dreams of people and the revolt in one fell swoop 

Posted October 08, 2023 at 2:48 pm

Thanks for using one of my ideas
