Nation Bulletin

How EveryoneSad is Making a Positive Difference in the World

Greetings, me NotSad leading the glorious country EveryoneSad

By EveryoneSad
10/02/2023 07:59 pm
Updated: 11/27/2023 08:57 am

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I am here to announce some of the remarkable achievements that my Country has accomplished in recent times. I have:

  • taken more than 250 million from various countries to safekeep the money in my country vault. Why I did it. you all may ask? What can I say, I am just a nice person helping countries who need help 😊, I took the money and resources to safekeep them with me.


  • Won 61 wars against various people didn’t used force at all who were having trouble keeping their resources and money safe. They really needed help, but they didn’t want me to help them. so, I send my troops to talk with the other countries leaders and they were than happy to take my help. No need to thank me, I am just a great person trying to help people who need help. truly, not going to lie, I am such a nice person.
  • Made a research and development center I 100% didn’t use the money I took from people to safekeep, I am not a bad person.
  • Built a missile pad, it goes brrrrrrrr boom!!

These are just some of the examples of how my country is leading the world in progress and prosperity and helping those who are unable to progress. I am proud of my people who are so supportive that I have 100% approval rating. 


my army just had one problem, they need to learn to eat no food and fight more, I mean food expensive man. Long live Vortex!!!!!!


Posted October 02, 2023 at 8:10 pm

You seem like a "great" person! 😁

Posted October 02, 2023 at 10:47 pm

Oh, that's wonderful! I've done the same, I've been able to keep over $1 billion safe for inactive nations in case they ever come back, and helped warm up some cold parts of the world with some lovely radiation. Just doing my part in making this world a better place! :D
