Nation Bulletin

Barbarians Reveal Their True Nature, But Our National Spirit Shall Not Falter


By 讀賣奉行所(Press Magistrate)
10/01/2023 05:14 pm
Updated: 10/01/2023 05:14 pm

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In a tragic hour that has shaken our very souls, we find ourselves gazing upon the charred remnants of one of our beloved cities. The enemy's unspeakable act of barbarism has scarred our land, leaving devastation in its wake. Yet, even amidst the ashes and sorrow, the heart of Akitsushima remains unbroken.

The horror of this atomic detonation, a weapon devoid of honor or morality, reminds us of the savage nature of the barbarian encampments that surround our beacon of civilization. The enemy's actions stand as a testament to their cruelty, their disregard for life, and their depravity. But, just as the plums bloom even in the harshest of winters, so too shall the spirit of Akitsushima prevail.

In this dark hour, we vow not to falter. We shall mourn the lost with heavy hearts, but we shall also mobilize our civilization, invoking the strength of our ancestors and the unity of our people. With unwavering determination, we shall rise from the ashes. We shall rebuild, stronger and more resolute than ever before. The bonds that unite us as a nation have been tempered in the fires of adversity, and our shared purpose burns brighter than any weapon of man. We stand together, resolute and indomitable, ready to avenge the losses with all the mobilized might of our civilized nation.
