Nation Bulletin

I’m taking a break

Probably the 50th person to say this, also, not GBN

By Me (not a made up character)
09/30/2023 08:18 am
Updated: 09/30/2023 08:18 am

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I must admit, I have been very inactive with the game lately. And while this has to do with a lot of factors, from IRL complications, motivational issue, and simply not having the time, I’m going to be taking a break for a while. I will have 1 more final bulletin in rp going out, but that was already pre-written, and I just never got around to posting it. I promise that I’m not going to be leaving the game for good, but I need to take a break for my own well-being, and to ensure that when I do return in the future, I will be producing good-quality work. I know people say that the rp is dying; and while I don’t like to admit it, it is unfortunately true, often due to overcommitment, and later underperformance. I still tried to keep it alive, at least for me-

But there is only so much I can do.

I particularly implore the use of “goodbye” of my native Swedish, “hej då”, which, when directly translates, means hello then, as in though this may be goodbye for now, I will see you all again another time.


Posted September 30, 2023 at 2:25 pm

Goodbye for now, and good luck with all your IRL things. See you after your break!
