Nation Bulletin

The Yakuza Coup | Rise of Akimoto pt2

(This is what Akimoto looks like)

By Haruto Taji and Pres
09/30/2023 03:01 am
Updated: 09/30/2023 03:01 am

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        The National Diet Building, Kyoto, Honshu, Japanese Isles

   Matsuda walked into the building, holding a briefcase. He walked to an official. "I would like you to bring this to the Speaker of the Diet, please." She looked at him. "Clearance?"

   "Security A1B" She looks at the security clearances. "Ah... Mr Moshida?" He nods. "I'll bring it to her rightaway." He smiled at her, "Thank you Miss..." He looked at her nametag, "Naito." She nodded and walked toward the room. As she waited for a lull in the conversation, she got curious about the contents of the briefcase. She clicked the latches open, but the case seemed to have a key or lock. She put the latches back on and walked up to Jya Kya. Kya thanked her and dismissed her. Matsuda chuckled as he prepared to detonate the bomb in the suitcase.

        Open Ocean, Pacific, Earth

    Meanwhile, over the open ocean, JIMC Lieutenant General Rika Takahashi oversaw the arming of the JI superweapon ELTND-3. "Careful now, this thing is supposed to be 125 megatons." She winced as she watched the arming officer accidentally pour in too much of the ignition liquid. She braced to be vaporized, but nothing happened. "Careful with that!"

"Sorry, General Takahashi." She sighed and alerted the crew of the JB-35 that the bomb was armed. "T minus 5 minutes till detonation." The pilots and crew straightened, and the aircraft sped up considerably. The aircraft flew over the drop zone. "10 seconds." The countdown started. "Three... two... One." The bomb was dropped.

    At that very moment, Matsuda pressed the button for the briefcase bomb. Two explosions, different in magnitude, different in the effects they will have on the future, detonated at the same time. In the National Diet, Speaker Kya, along with almost the entire Diet was killed by the explosion of the suitcase bomb, collapsing a major amount of the building.

     In the Pacific, the thermonuclear bomb exploded, sending 5 shockwaves out, a fireball almost 8 kilometers wide in diameter, sinking the ships in the test instantly. Takahashi watched as the shockwaves hit the aircraft carrier many kilometers away that was taking observation photos. It took quite some damage. She felt the aircraft rocking like a ship in a massive storm. "Careful! Control the aircraft!" Next thing she knew, the aircraft had spiraled out of control. She grabbed the arming officer, "GRAB A PARACHUTE" He couldn't, so she grabbed one herself, putting it on and grabbing him. She took a few deep breaths and jumped out of the still open bombing bay. She opened her chute, holding the now unconscious officer (from fear) tightly.

         Greg's Diner, Kyoto, Honshu, Japanese Isles

   I jump as I hear an explosion. The diner went quiet for a few seconds, then everyone started talking. "What was that?" I ran out of the Diner, realizing the Yakuza put their plans into action. I duly note a small shaking in the ground. Is there an earthquake? It doesn't matter now. I run to the Diet building... how the bomb was so powerful that the ground is shaking. My thoughts are everywhere, and I feel my ponytail slip out of its braid, falling behind me and on my shoulders. I hear gunfire. Police officers and Yakuza are exchanging fire. I watch as the police officers slowly get cut down. I run from that area, getting closer to the building. I see 10 Star Company soldiers fighting their way to the building. "You ten, what's going on?" The leader of them looked at me and opened his mouth, "The Yakuza have attempted a coup of the government, we are setting up a quarantine zone but there are too many for the law enforcement in Kyoto, and the closest military regiment is multiple hours away."

   "What about the status of the HOLY SH-"  I jumped for cover as I heard an HMG open fire on where me and the group of soldiers were. Half of them were killed by the HMG, while the other half opened fire back. "The Austrians have no clue what's going on!"

   "Cease fire, Cease fire!" I looked around from my vantage point under a car and realized a group of Austrian soldiers had arrived and opened fire on everyone. I crawled over to where a dead AJI soldier had dropped his gun. I picked it up, grabbing the ammo as well. I shot the HMG's ammo, blowing up the Austrian HMG and the soldiers near it. I then focused on the Yakuza coming toward me and the soldiers I met up with, shooting them with a bit rusty aim. It's been a good year since I had used guns after all. I felt the gun click, and reloaded. What's with the ammo box size on this gun by the way, it lasts absurdly long for a rifle. Anyways I continued shooting at the Yakuza, and- OW. And that's how it feels to get shot... welp. at least it was only my arm. The remaining Austrian had shot my arm. I blacked out and fell to the ground.

   I woke up to the Austrian shaking me, "Girl, come, no place to die" He said it in broken Japanese. I answered him in fluent German while getting up, "Would it be easier to speak in your home language?"  I see him processing that I can speak his language for a second. I read his tag "Mr. Gefreiter Blömer, why are you and your fellow soldiers mowing us all down?"

   "Well... We got orders from your troops to open fire on everyone with a gun. We were quite confused ourselves, so we asked for confirmation. The order was "Fire on everyone armed, uniform or not."
   "Well, now my arm is bleeding, and I can't use a gun to defend myself from the Yakuza anymore. Oh yeah, sorry for blowing up your buds..." I'm... genuinely upset about that, I value the Austrians and the German Federation. "Eh, it's fine. Or not. I'm not sure. Let's get you to safety first, we have a medic deeper in the building who should still be in one piece." I blink at him. "You think I'm just going to sit back and watch like some !@#$ politician? No, I'm not, I'm going to save my nation, Mr Blömer. Get me some dressing and a pistol." I give him a look that means business. "Miss... Miss, it's my job to not allow you to do exactly that. I really don't want to restrain you for you to be treated." I glare at him. "I'm Aki Akimoto, sir, senator of Okinawa, for all I know, I'm the last member of the National Diet alive. I have to get to the building." I look at the rifle that I dropped. Blömer follows my eyes and spots the rifle, quickly kicking it away... damnit "That's nice and well, Miss Akimoto. That means you're the most important VIP we have, making me even less likely to let you go."  I furrow my eyebrows and grab his pistol and twist to run. Blömer puts his pistol into the back pocket and grabs a pair of handcuffs. "Ms. Akimoto, either comply peacefully or be restrained. I'm giving you an option here so please be reasonable."
   " I..." ...How do I get out of this situation? Hmm... Aha. I take off my glasses and throw them at him, while he's distracted, I kick his shin. I hear an explosion happen in the parliament building, causing small pieces of burning wood to fly in the direction of the me and him. In response, Blömer turned the visor of his helmet on to avoid being it in his eyes. Wait... I can't... I feel something hit me hard. Then I-... fell... uncon.

        Austrian Outpost, Kyoto, Japanese Isles.

   I wake up, groggy. "Ow..." I hear Medic shout out "Blömer, your little pet is alive again!" I hear him reply "Shut it Kurt. Refrain from cutting this one's leg off, will ya? I'd be a shame to put a bullet in you." I yelp, "Don't you dare cut my leg off!" I forgot to speak German. "Fine, but you owe me!" the Medic replies to him. "I owe you to sew your mouth shut someday Kurt..." I take a breath and compose myself. I put on a smile. "Girls girls, stop fighting, you both look cute!" I smile at the two. "I'll carve a big smile into him if he doesn't shut up already!" yells Blömer, currently attending to the wounds of a burned woman. "Heh." I sigh, letting my confidant facade drop while looking away from the two. damnit. I should've remembered that plans never work out. I look around the area. Nothing I can use. "Frau Akimoto, how are you feeling?" asks the medic. I don't notice him for a minute. "huh?"  ... "repeat that?" I think I'm in sorta shock... "I asked how you feel, Madame. The painkillers appear to be doing a number on you." I jump. "PAINKILLERS!?" I had yelled it too loud... "DO YOU HAVE ANY- any... ugh." I breath, trying to compose myself AGAIN. "I have lost several family members to Painkiller addictions. But Mr Kurt, thank you for trying to help me. Thank you sooooo much."

   "I only administered a small dose. If you experience any head pain, that's normal. I removed some shrapnel from there. You recovered quickly, to be perfectly honest."
   I stand up. "Thank you, Austrians, but I... whoa." I hold the wall for balance. "Never mind, I think I'm staying here for a bit."

"Probably for the best." I go red in the face. "Now I'm going to the Diet!" I stand up, grab an Austrian rifle, and walk out the stai- and I fell down the stairs. ugh. Blömer peeks from atop of the stairs. "Carry or drag?" I flip him off and stand up, I run into the door. ow. Where are my glasses? "Carry it is then. Kurt, lend me a hand!" NO! "Don't you dare!" I try to open the door. 'Where is the door!" I hyperventilate. crap. "I have this handled!" They two men come rushing down the stairs, Kurt grabbing my arms and Blömer grabbing my legs. I shake. "This is an embarrassment! Stop! No! Stop!"  He speaks to me "Miss Akimoto calm down. You're not getting yourself killed on our watch." I sigh. "I'm not going to die. I know what to do."

   "Miss Akimoto, with all due respect, you just had emergency surgery, fell down a flight of stairs, lost your glasses and are now being carried to avoid you hurting yourself further. You know everything but what to do." I sigh in defeat. Fine. "Ugh... fine"

   "Great. We've called for MedEvac. Should arrive in 15 minutes or so. Make yourself comfy."

   "It's a warzone. Call yourself lucky we're not sending you to Korea or Tientsin." I wriggle around, starting to kick. I hear a new voice. "You two, are you kidnapping her or restraining her to protect her?"

   "A bit of both." The woman I don't see the identity of sighs. "She'll have to come with me, sirs. I'm pulling rank on you two, as a Captain of the Japanese Star Company." Kurt scoffs. "Pfft, sounds like a theme part attraction." I gulp. I see her face go into the light. There's a large scar across her face, the kinda pretty kind, but one that looked like it obviously hurt, her hair is cut short, and she's holding an XM8vJI3 with another one on her back. "I am Suzume Ozaki, Mr Kurt of the Austrian army. I have 35 Star Company soldiers surrounding the building and ready to enter if you don't comply and give us the only surviving member of the National Diet." Holy !@#$ it's true. "Yeah, no. Not trusting any of that. Your army is insane and so are you. MedEvac has been called. Other than dealing with your bride, maybe deal with the guy that ordered 36 people to shoot upon your own?" I watch her eyebrows rise. "Well, the AJI hasn't had contact with Kyoto for the last few hours because of a massive EMP blast. Nobody in the chain of command has ordered any such thing." She clicked off her gun's safety. I whispered to Blömer, "Can, you like, set me down?" Blömer picked me up by my shoulders and carried my down the stairs while the other two bickered in the background. He slowly leans me onto the wall. "Don't even try to run in there anymore. It's all burning now." I sighed, "I believe you. What happens now." I am definitely in shock. "I have no clue what will happen now, Kyoto is a battleground, there's not contact with the world right now, and the Yakuza are close to taking over the government."

"What you" - he taps my nose - " are gonna do is wait here until we can get you to an actual hospital. Doc's work is sloppy at best." I put up a smile. "Thanks, I guess" My plans will have to wait or change dramatically. I hear the arguing get louder. "You mind wanna stop your doctor before he gets shot."

   "Does me a favour that girl." I hear Captain Ozaki slap the medic, "Shut up you childish fool! Our nations are allies and we have to work together as such!" Blömer shouted "Next time use the gun!"

   "Fine!" I watch Ozaki slap Kurt again. With a gun. In the face. She chuckled. "Better?"

   "Spare me the bullet please." Ozaki looks out the window, I limp over to see what she's looking at. She growls. "The Yakuza have been buying up old JI equipment. While they are theoretically easy to defeat, they have been choosing when to attack." My eyes go wide as I see an old Type 10 destroy an AJI Type 79 APC. Blömer reassures me and her, "Lucky for you, MedEvacs come with heavy arms attached. They should be gone in 5 minutes " Ozaki blinks. "Gefreiter John Blomer, give me your grenades, I've used all mine."

"If you're gonna demand my equipment, at least get my name right. It's Paul." He hands her a few grenades, "Alright, thank you." I tilt my head, wondering what she's going to do.

        Outside the Austrian outpost.

   Captain Ozaki steps outside, grenades on her belt and two XM8vJI3s in her hands. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at the tank and the group of Yakuza near it. The tank had been pinning down a squad of her soldiers in a building, which was close to collapse from the tank's shells. She ran toward them, dodging to the side to take cover behind a car when they notice her. She throws a grenade to bounce off the tank and blow up a group of Yakuza, who are now rushing her position. As they do, she ditches her cover and opens fire with her XM8s, cutting them down. As the tank cannon is brought to bear on her, she attempts to throw a grenade at the tank, with the outcome what she expected, which was bouncing off near harmlessly. She closed her eyes and she braced for death. She heard an explosion and looked up. Austrian and JIA helicopters had flown in with MedEvac. She looked down. "Oh hey there's glasses." She picked them up as she watched Akimoto and the Austrians go to the helicopter. ”Akimoto, these yours?” 

”Yes, thank you”  She grabs them and puts them on. “I can see again!” Everyone laughs and they get on the helicopter, future of JI in the balance


Posted September 30, 2023 at 3:20 am

I loved this, and can't wait for the next part! 

Posted September 30, 2023 at 2:53 pm

Awesome bulletin 

Posted October 01, 2023 at 2:33 pm

The story felt so real, I felt like slapping matsuda straight in the face. 
