Nation Bulletin

[Non-RP] Do y'all ever get tired of this?

The end of my RP, as well as some other stuff

By EuroNutella
09/29/2023 05:48 pm
Updated: 09/29/2023 05:48 pm

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Hi folks,

Today, or rather yesterday, it was election day for my nation. However I did not do any bulletin. The reason as to why is that I simply have no inspiration to continue my RP, nothing interesting comes to mind and on top of that I am busy IRL leading to the last few bulletins just being a copy and paste of the previous one with different numbers. So I guess, for now, this is the end of my RP. But I don't want this to just be a goodbye bulletin, no, this may not be the last you ear of me.

As some know, I developed a few tools which I hope can help RolePlayers in this game. These are the Ultimate Election Simulator, as well as the Coup Simulator (on which I'm still working on in my spare time), I also recently made another tool: the CalculaD'Hont (more info in the github page, and maybe in a future bulletin).

I also wanted to explain how I did my elections for those who care. In essence I used a modified Ultimate Election Simulator (UES) that would take the inputs from a csv file, calculate the new results based on approval rate, put the results in another csv file, and it would then ask to replace the old values in the first csv file with the new results for next time. The csv file, a simplistic excel file if you will, would have each row represent a city/region/state/voter district and each column represent a political party, thee program would calculate the result for every row so that each region gets an election using the adjusted (a) mode from the UES. Then I'd copy the results from the csv file (which only contains numbers) to an excel spreadsheet with everything else, this spreadsheet then calculates everything else, with a degree of approximation left to the user (me) to correct. I'd do this because the mechanisms of distributing seats to the Camerorum Deputatorum and the Senatum are different, the Senatum in fact has 20 seats per city and those seats are assigned at the region level while in the CD they're assigned on a national level. If any of you is interested you can message me and I can provide you the program and the spreadsheets as an example.

Anyways, that is all, I will work on the tools whenever I can and update them and post bulletins about them. As for the RP, it's over, unless I come up with something interesting in the future.



Posted September 29, 2023 at 4:57 pm

well good luck for your future man, but I would still suggest you to not leave.

Posted September 29, 2023 at 5:50 pm

Nope. Better to be a spectator than an active RPer. 

Posted September 29, 2023 at 7:11 pm

Not tired, 49 Bulletins to go till 500, and Off to 1000 I will go!
