Nation Bulletin

Barakistan Under Attack

Rhodesia Europa Launches Raid War; Barakistan Fortifies and Offers Peace

By BNA Military Correspondent
09/27/2023 04:31 am
Updated: 09/27/2023 04:33 am

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Barakistan is under attack from Rhodesia Europa, a powerful nation led by General Patch Gabriel. Gabriel has declared a Raid war on Barakistan, justifying it with the words "Deus vult".

Barakistan is losing the war. Rhodesia Europa has a much larger and more powerful military. Barakistan has fortified its borders and offered peace, but Gabriel has refused.

The people of Barakistan are living in fear. They are worried about their loved ones and about the future of their country.

President Leader of Barakistan has called on the international community for help. He has asked for military assistance, financial assistance, and humanitarian assistance.

The United Nations has condemned Rhodesia Europa's invasion of Barakistan. The UN Security Council has passed a resolution calling for Rhodesia Europa to withdraw its troops immediately.

However, it is unclear whether the UN Security Council resolution will have any effect. Rhodesia Europa is not a member of the United Nations, and it does not have to comply with UN resolutions.

The people of Barakistan are facing a difficult time. They are outnumbered and outgunned. However, they have shown great courage and determination in the face of adversity.

It is important to remember that Barakistan is not alone. The international community is watching, and many people are sympathetic to the plight of the Barakistani people.

I urge all people of good will to support Barakistan during this difficult time. We must stand together against aggression and injustice.

"My fellow Barakistanians, we are facing a difficult time. Rhodesia Europa has invaded our country, and they are determined to defeat us. But we will never give up. We will fight to the last breath to defend our freedom and our way of life."

"I know that we are outnumbered and outgunned. But we have one thing that they don't have: we have the spirit of Barakistan. We are a united people, and we will never surrender." said the President


"The people of Barakistan are a brave people. We have a long history of fighting for our freedom. We will not be defeated by Rhodesia Europa."

"We have fortified our borders and we are prepared to fight. We have also called on the international community and our alliance for help. We are confident that we will prevail in this conflict." reported the Chief of Defense Staff


The reasons for Rhodesia's invasion of Barakistan are not clear. General Patch Gabriel has justified the invasion with the words "Deus vult", which is Latin for "God wills it". This suggests that Gabriel is motivated by religious fanaticism.

However, it is also possible that Gabriel has more mundane reasons for invading Barakistan. Barakistan is a rich country with a lot of natural resources. It is possible that Gabriel is hoping to seize control of these resources.

Whatever the reasons for the invasion, it is clear that Rhodesia Europa is a ruthless and aggressive nation. The people of Barakistan are facing a serious threat, and they need the support of the international community.