Nation Bulletin

Opinion: Can a Society Built on Self-Interest Truly Thrive?


By 讀賣奉行所(Press Magistrate)
09/18/2023 10:23 pm
Updated: 09/18/2023 10:23 pm

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Where much of the aggressive world glamorizes a dysfunctional society where entitlement and egotism run amok, we pause to take a stand and reflect on wisdoms of collective unity. The allure of self-interest and personal gain may seem enticing, but Akitsushima stands firm in proclaiming that the path to a just and harmonious society lies in a "society-first" mindset of collective responsibility and shared progress.

Egotistical ideologies such as individualism revolve around an underlying desire to shed our inherent obligations to those around us. It throws all sense of all self-respect, growth, and responsibility under the bus with sanguine notions of self-sufficiency and independence. It champions the idea that personal gain should take precedence over societal well-being, fostering a culture where self-entitlement is celebrated and overshadows communal responsibility. This is a society where the intrusive thoughts have won. 

The reality is that our lives are profoundly interdependent. Aspects of a civilized society people find virtuous—low crime, politeness, high trust among members—are only possible where every member of society knows their place in society and willing to put their neighbors and communities first. Where the ideals of shared responsibility are strong, there is moral prosperity in doing your part for the greater community. It is a tapestry woven from the threads of shared burdens and shared dreams, where each member of society finds purpose and meaning through contributing to the greater good. In the embrace of these ideals, we find not only strength but also the moral compass that guides us toward a brighter tomorrow.

As we navigate these tumultuous waters, Akitsushima extends an earnest invitation to the world. Let us recognize the limitations of self-interest and the pitfalls of societies where these ideas are paramount. A more preferable world, one where every member does their part selflessly and a mindset of communal harmony is the very foundation upon which society stands. In unity, we discover the true essence of humanity. In collective responsibility, we forge a path towards a brighter, more equitable future.


Posted September 19, 2023 at 9:32 am

a society first mindset sounds great, until you think about how you get everybody to believe in it, and what to do with those who dont...

Posted September 19, 2023 at 5:06 pm

@Dauchh Palki, why, you use education, cultural norms, and legal mechanisms, of course

Posted September 19, 2023 at 9:53 pm

"legal mechanisms" 

I'd rather die free than die in a utopia

Posted September 19, 2023 at 11:32 pm

I guess you're dying either way?
