Nation Bulletin

The Landings and The Sinking.

The Iberians were quite shocked at the landings at Gibraltar and Malaga, not suspecting the British to allow such an attack.

By The Pirates Editorial.
09/05/2023 10:40 pm
Updated: 09/06/2023 07:07 am

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The Sinking

The North American Nation which will be reffered to as "Legion" prepared some one hundred and eighty thousand troops to leave the nation to assist Iberia in the war.

The Fleet sent by Dauchh Palki consisted of a few scout planes and spy submarines.

Submarines initially fired on the fleet, sailors rushed to take positions and get into submarines.
Their own submarines were quickly detected by the Graveyard Fleet and promptly destroyed.

The submarines ripped apart many of the stationary ships as some tried to engage in defensive manuevers.
Soon after the attacks began some nearby Beanistopian frigates and cruisers also started firing on the stationary fleet, with the cruisers launching missiles into the port and at the ships from miles away.

more and more legion escort vesels were destroyed, attempts at evasive manuevers were made but they had little time to prepare.
After about half an hour of bombardment by the submarines Dauchh Palkian general George Alderiz decided enough damage was done and they may risk being trapped if the engagement continued.

GYF: 5 Men Lost
LGF: 4 Frigates Sunk, 3 Destroyers Sunk/Diserviced, 3 Submarines Sunk, 1 Battleship Sunk/Diserviced

The Landings.

A force of 15 Thousand Dauchh Palkian soldiers have landed at British gibraltar, advancing into the mountains to join forces at Malaga.

A force of 15 Thousand Dauchh Palkian soldiers/mercs and 50 Thousand Victorian soldiers have landed at Faro and Albufeira. they have sailed up part of the nearby river which runs across the Portugese border. With Italian support they have destroyed a few bridge crossings and are taking control of the river and surrounding roads, have set up artillery in the mountains to launch rockets at locations in Lisbon, and are advancing to stop any Iberian transport from Portugal to Madrid.

A force of 30 Thousand Italian and NBF Soldiers have made landings near Almeria, taking strategic positions in the mountains and advancing towards Madrid. 

There are additional landings at Valencia and Barcelonia, consisting of some Fifty to Sixty thousand Italian and NBF soldiers.

A force of 40 Thousand Victorian Soldiers have landed near the mouth of a river near Gijon, and are moving towards Madrid but are focused on shelling of surrounding cities and diverting Iberian soldiers into their temporary defensive positions.

A force of 120 Thousand Dauchh Palkian, NBF, and Italian soldiers have landed near Malaga in several beach heads, advancing up the river quite a bit with aerial support from fighters and multirole fighters.
They have taken the surrounding roads and a small force has been left in Malaga to protect naval assets in the port there.
Aditionally, barges with heavy support from soldiers and planes are being sent up and down the river with artillery and anti aircraft, they will be able to swiftly support the movement from a distance.

The Iberians were quite shocked at the landings at Gibraltar and Malaga, not suspecting the British to allow such an attack.
While they did possess some fortifications in Seville and Gibraltar, they were quickly ovverun and forced to retreat due to naval support from the NBF.
The Iberians have retreated into the mountains but are facing difficulties from terrain specialized guerilla soldiers of Dauchh Palki, tasked with wiping out the Iberian fortifications in the mountains.
About 20 Thousand Dauchh Palkians have taken this task, with an additional 15 Thousand, mostly mercs and new volunteers from the Carribean, being tasked with supporting the advance and artillery barges, while also destroying Iberian infrastructure into the region.



Each Group has 1 Tank Brigade of roughly 40 tanks, with about half being used to transport infrantry with the rest being used for defending advances
Practically all Dauchh Palkian soldiers possess anti-tank weaponry. Some mechanized NBF units have aided in this for defending the main infantry lines advancing from Malaga. 
There are roughly 2000 transport vehicles across the landings excluding Valencia and Barcelona. All are equipped with machine guns. A few mobile anti aircraft and artillery devisions are being transported across the advance. 
With the exception of two divisions in Portugal, All Heavy Artillery and anti aircraft capabillities are transported on the barges.



Posted September 06, 2023 at 11:36 am

You do realize you have entered my territory without any permision, right? Gijón, for all my knowledge, is in my land and we will have to make an agreement if you want to pass troops through there. It’s not a war proposal, I’m just saying.

Posted September 06, 2023 at 11:57 am

my bad you shouldve clarified better.

Also I dont and basically everyone in bulletins rp does not recognize Asturias, considering you literally claim part of Iberia and Igua Sul amongst other nations

Posted September 06, 2023 at 3:56 pm

Ms paint on steroids
