Nation Bulletin

Yeah, so PTO kinda, died...

died after 3 hours

By Sir Logan Watermelon
09/03/2023 12:41 am
Updated: 09/03/2023 12:41 am

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yeah, PTO has died, in 3 hours. Apparently New France was being annoying and doing something, so then Nukey quit RP. Which caused PTO to die. Yeah, I am now alliance-less. Something we never thought would happen. And I ain't creating a new alliance cause chances are, Soviet will declare war for being a GW copy off. Cool, this sucks. At least we still have a defensive pact with Iberia, and we have strong relations with Uchama and RoDevs. Now all I will do is post the rest of My rp stories. And maybe Mobilize for something cause it always seems that people like war. The Melon will stay neutral on the world stage but we will love for people to send us non-aggression and defensive pacts (CB I would love some sort of pact I have always admired you so please offer me a pact). Yeah, That's it. Have a great day. Bye.


Posted September 03, 2023 at 1:43 pm

@UKM Yes, you are sort of right, but Nukeya was overwhelmed with a bunch of "retards" arguing in his PTO bulletin comments over the most idiotic things.


And maybe that you called his creation "f*cking cringe", I don't know. 

Posted September 03, 2023 at 3:20 pm

UKMs toxicity is a contributing factor to every conflict thats ever happened here

Posted September 04, 2023 at 2:45 am

And this is why I've stayed out of any formal RP. I kinda inch into a couple countries at a one-on-one level, but there's no particular RP universe or story where Rimskaya can fit comfortably or stick around.

Posted September 04, 2023 at 9:05 pm
  1. what’s PTO?
  2.  That men’s I should be preparing for war or…?