Nation Bulletin

New Face in Defense

New Defense Minister

By Tony Kealoha, Kalani Oneiha
08/31/2023 10:01 am
Updated: 08/31/2023 10:01 am

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Good Morning everyone and welcome to Paradise News this is Tony Kealoha and I’ll be your anchor for this important announcement coming from Iolani Palace. Lets go live now with our Lead Reporter Kalani Oneiha, Kalani are you there? Good Morning Tony and Aloha to our watchers today, As we are waiting for the Chief Minister to appear we have heard of a update on the investigation on the Defense Department has come to a close yesterday night and the council also had another meeting last night. This morning we had a message from the Iolani Palace that the Chief Minister will be making a announcement on the behalf of the King this morning, His Majesty our King Kawika Kahelelani The Great will not be here today but he is handing other matters today and sends his love to the nation this morning, We are heading some attention up front let us go live now, Chief Minister Lokepa appears and everyone rise from their chairs.

“Good Morning Everyone you may all be seated, Thank you everyone for your Patience. His Majesty sends his love this morning and do apologize for not being here today, This morning the council has finally came to a close as we complete the situation going on with the Defense Department and we are now happy as we move on towards the future, This morning I would like to introduce the new Defense Minister who we will be taking the department into a better future and will finally bring honor and hope into the darkness of that Department, Ladies and Gentleman Former General of the United Hawaii National Army and Defense Minister Keoni kua.” General Keoni gets a huge standing ovation from the room.


General Begins to talk “ Mahalo Nui Loa (Thank you very much) you may all be seated. “ I’m so Honor to be here this morning as we look towards the future, Last night I was so afraid that the Defense Department would sadly close our doors as being the Deputy Defense Minister I was trying my best to make sure our Department survive this situation and then I got a call from Chief Minister that the King and his council would like to see me. At first I was concerned that my job would be in danger and also worry on taking care of my family, I have never through that I would be ask to Lead the department, I was first shock and then proud. Me and my family we have been a Proud Armed Forces family, My Oldest son Noa Kua who is the current youngest General is our Army National Guard and my second son who is a commander is our Naval National Guard and my youngest daughter in civil service. I am just proud of my family and proud of our nation, When speaking with the council and His majesty last night I gave them a clear plan on how the department will be run they were honor and proud that once again Honor, Commitment, Love and service will be at front always.

Today I am Honor to stand with you all today as your New Defense Minister I will make sure everyday I will lead by example and that our department will make sure our boarders are safe from any Harm both Foreign and domestic, I will make sure your safety is my first priority and that no one in our nation will not worry about having their doors unlock every night. Before I end I would like to thank our men and woman of our armed forces they are out everyday making sure we are safe I am honor to be one of them and proud of each and every of them, I would like to thank our first responders protecting and serving us with Aloha in our communities, Last and not least my family I thank them for their love and support every day and every night. Thank you everyone for being here, God Bless our Home and Aloha to each of you”.

“This is Kalani bringing it back to Tony at Paradise News”. Thank you Kalani it’s a happy day as we welcome a new Minster, Update from Iolani palace concerning of our Boarders shutdown we are still happy to hear we have no cases of the virus and our boarders are safe and secured, Both departments of defense and Health and Welfare are working together and will get a update every 48 hours, His Majesty continues to remind everyone to please stay safe and be well and follow our guidelines for everyone safety. This is it for today, From Paradise News we say Aloha and goodbye until next time”.