Nation Bulletin

"daydreaming rosemary gallery" sparks controversy among the liberals

The new portraits of her grace, commissioned by the Earl of York have sparked angry comments

By Stornoway Evening Dispatch
08/28/2023 02:30 pm
Updated: 08/28/2023 03:00 pm

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"The queen looks plain. Of course without all the jewels and fine gowns he has made her look like a worn out rag doll... this is very concerning considering that the current Nobel women are setting the tone of fashion at the moment  ..." ~ Professor of tapestry jenny Holland..

The island has been shocked yet again, by the scandalous behaviour of the Earl Of York. We had just faced perhaps the worst protest since the attempted mutiny against anarchy last year.. and now the earl strikes again. But this time he uses very different means. He commissioned pictures of the queen to be painted and sent to be dispatched all over the islands and beyond. This gallery titled "the daydreaming rosemary" has already reached the political discussions on the mainland. The controversy that this man has caused is wild. But first you may find yourselves asking..."what controversy could a bunch of paintings cause?...well dear reader... When these paintings happen to involve our gracious and most admired queen then they will cause nothing other than the worst type of  controversy known to man. The way the portraits  have depicted our queen has caused massive anger among the critics and scholars... 

Poet and scholar Alfred Henry writes his most recent article on the subject that was published in the noble Chronicles (a paper published exclusive by the royal council) and here is a small extract ~

"the wicked and domineering man has dressed our queen in peasantry attire and presented her to the entire nation...this kind of portrayal of a queen is intolerable if she wished to show any ounce of self respect to other nations... but i think that this is the young mans aim... he wants to take over the crown whilst forcing his bride to be an indentured servant! I just wish the old brute would leave this place and never come back. He is cursed and ignorant!" 


An expert on fashion and professor of tapestry Jenny Holland also gave her insights into the subject... 

"the queen looks plain. Of course without all the jewels and fine gowns he has made her look like a worn out rag doll... this is very concerning considering that the current Nobel women are setting the tone of fashion at the moment. In London and Paris these leading ladies are really sending a grand style and impression. The queen on the other hand doesn't look like a queen anymore. From a fashion perspective I would think she ought to send a portrayal that fits the latest fashion trends.. and give an impression of seductive enchantment like all the leading ladies are doing so in high society at the moment . But instead she is dressed like an old fashioned farm girl with messy hair. The titles of the paintings also show how belittled she is and how she basically allowed the evil lord to take all the empowerment she had. For example one of the paintings is called ”peasant girl picks me flowers’… I mean he has just called the queen a peasant…. This is absolutely awful!

Jenny had also more to say about the way the paintings were titled ...

"and also what's with all that Norwegian nonsense... when I saw it I was like "just use English ... we are an English speaking nation." 


At the press we agree.... the queen does not look like a queen but instead like some plain farmer who has no sense of beauty or grace... 

