Nation Bulletin

Bigger militarization in Europian Federation.

More troops and tanks and everything.

By Presedent Mark Second
08/25/2023 05:44 pm
Updated: 08/25/2023 05:44 pm

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   The order from EF ministry of defense has came to make more military in the nation, the order says to increase the amount of troops and bild deferent varaiants of military vichles. To make more troops EF ground forces take all new men over 21 to the army, women does not have to jon army and for women it is optional.  So more people join outside of the mobilization the Ef govornment will pay 10,000 dollars for every new soldier, and by the end of service (1 year) they will get 100,000 Eurorubles. So after an year the govornment will pay about 11,000,000,000 Eurorubles but everyone who served will be sended to army if EF gets attacked so every person who served have their guns at home. 

                                                                                     News from Iceland colony

Over 100 bunker systems where made in the Iceland coast to be protected from any invaders, every bunker system have atleast 5 artelery bunkers, up to 25 mashinegun bunkers, 5 medical bunkers, 5 amunition bunkers, 1 fallout shelter and 7 mortar bunkers. Those bunkers are placed around the coast and in mountains of the EF Iceland teretory, barracks are also inculudet to bunkets system but abarracks are not bunkers they are just close to bunkers to hiden in the ground (The roof of barracks is on the ground floor). The first military airbase was bilded in EF Iceland and has about 10 SU-57 and 30 other military aircrafts including military transport aircrafts, the airbase also has mini tank division where is 20 T-90 and 10 T-80 with 35 armored cars "Tigr".
