Nation Bulletin

Well well well | NJP.MN


By National Japanese Press.Military News
08/25/2023 03:37 pm
Updated: 08/25/2023 03:37 pm

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          Japanese Isles Armed Forces seize and occupy Zenteka

   After Zenteka broke the Treaty of Kyiv by kicking Iberian Trade Union company stuff out of Zentekan ports, the Japanese Isles European Fleet drove up to Zenteka and blockaded the nation. Japanese aircraft will intercept any air shipments to Zenteka while the Army of the Japanese Isles will occupy the nation with 3 Airborne Armies and 2 Combined Armies (690,000 troops). This will continue until Zenteka agrees to allow ITC ships and companies back into Zenteka. If they don’t then Zenteka will become a temporary SGP of the Japanese Isles and the Japanese Isles will sell the Ports to Iberia itself. The Zentekan government has 2 days (4 hours) to decide.


Posted August 25, 2023 at 4:32 pm

I denounce this action as the Zentekan Government is following the Kyiv Treaty
