Nation Bulletin

Communist Attacks in Republic Of China [NOT CANON]

China had been divided and liberated from its extensive and tyrannical Communist roots but now they are starting to appear once again.

By Greater Indian Publications Company
08/25/2023 09:25 am
Updated: 02/25/2024 03:45 pm

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China had been divided and liberated from its extensive and tyrannical Communist roots but now they are starting to appear once again.

The Indo-Sino war of 2056 saw China being divided into the countries of Tibet, Xinjiang, and Manchuria. The government of the Republic Of China ruling Taiwan came into power and controls the rest of China.

This system was peaceful and made mostly everyone happy and fulfilled. However, a Communist rebel group by the name of Communist Chinese Liberation Organization (CCLO) in the Northern part of China a re attempting to overthrow the democratic government in China for a brutal Communist system.


Areas under Communist Attacks

The group has now started to attack multiple key government buildings in Bejing and Shanghai. They have also captured multiple towns in Northern China.

The Greater Indian Republic must act fast to prevent a collapse in China and a brutal Communist takeover. The group is saying that they will first take China, the Tibet, Xinjiang, Manchuria, they say they will take Mongolia and attack Japan and make the people work under a Communist Regime. This must be prevented. They also seem to disagree with Japan's form of Communist government in place and say it is useless.