Nation Bulletin


BREAKING NEWS: The Largest protest seen since 1763, feminist protesters rage against the decision of the queen...

By Stornoway Evening Dispatch
08/24/2023 09:33 pm
Updated: 08/24/2023 10:42 pm

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"we don't want anything to do with that evil man. We don't want a king! We don't live in the medieval era anymore... How can our queen act so weak?" 

"There is major resentment across our Island of Lewis and Harris as we make our stand today. To all those who have witness our unhappy plight, to all those who remain with us in our hour or need... hear that we as women of our country do no support our Lady Queen in any way. She has given herself to the patriarchy and she is leaving us at the mercy of arrogant and evil man!!!" 

These were the words from Patricia Lucinda who spoke out across to her fellow feminists and protesters this morning, in the rainy and gloomy streets of storrnoway. Alike the rest of the women and some men there, she was angry, enraged and frustrated with the current situation regarding the royal wedding and the plan for a new king to take over. There were perhaps two thousands souls that stood with the same goals and the same feeling that day.  It was the biggest gathering since the farmers peat rebellion in 1763. Passers by who were not involved just walked on, and seemly did not want to be associated with the general crowds  when our reporters attempted to ask a few of them..

the protesters were solely from the feminist league who have often voiced their opinions before about our Queens conservative values which they believe are the values of the patriarchy. 



Some councilors and political professors believe and think that Perhaps the uproar was caused by an engraving realsed this week from the royal personal press  at ammbshule castle. It was a picture that seemed to really cause chaos in the feminist league. Here is the picture below... it is portrait of queen rosemary and the earl of York standing together... with an inscription by the painter. 


Inscription ~ the two did not seem to need to pose in a position for the painter to paint... instead i told them to be at ease and assume their natural state... ~


 Micheal Henry a political researcher gives his insight into why this picture caused to many problems....

"I think the problem is more subtle than at first glance and really can cause a strong impression on some people...I think that people assume a queen should be clad in jewels and finery and stand in a prominent and dominating position. Think of the old English queens... such as Queen Elizabeth the first  for example. She used portraits to establish herself as a strong leader...almost trying to take on the dominance of a king. These pictures have set themselves into the minds of generations. They hear the name queen and think "oh she must be powerful and never submit to a man".. then that same set of people have seen this. This picture shows her to be in the weaker position, vulnerable and very timid.  the way her  bashful eyes are not completely fixed upon anything suggests she is unsure of herself and perhaps this indicates that compared to his very powerful gaze, she is not as decisive as he. This is very suggestive of who is the leader of the scene and who is placing themselves as position of monarch.."


Micheal Henryes had some interesting things to say about the way the artist has used skills to portray the couple... 

"He has the prominent position in this scene. The use of darker shading on his portrait compared to the lighter tones of her dress is also another indicator of  the power roles in the scene as well. the themes of masculinity and femininity are clearly evident in the artists mind when he was painting this.  She looks like his marionette and he the puppeteer if one allows such a analogy to be used. I think this picture is very telling of what kind of relationship the Queen and future king have... If the Queen and her fiance commissioned this and wished it to be sent out to the public, i think it may be a powerful message from the crown of how things are going to be relating to the throne and I think this is what enraged the public, especially the more liberal minded factions... it is a socially Conservative leaning picture with archaic undertones regarding romance.."


Some of Our reporters have questioned the feminist faction about the picture and if this is the reason of  their protest... 

a vice president of the league Susanne Helm spoke to us and said ~

"yes i saw it, and quite frankly I was astounded that our queen could make such a stupid statement in support of the patriarchy....Because thats what it is... she has shown that this man owns her and that it's okay to allow this kind of thing to go on. The painting is not the only reason for our protests ,because that wouldn't be a good enough reason, but its just another example of why we are so frustrated with our current leadership and the messages that she is trying to show. Honestly the fact that the queen has the audacity to give up all her powers to a man is just beyond me.I don't understand why she needed to marry anyway. its a bad example for our country. She is putting on a weak image and allowing him to take control of everything...!"


So there we have it dear readers! The protesters are not expected to stop and there is no news of where aims are to be situated. All we know is that they plan to stay in the capital and continue to make speeches about the subject... 

But the one thing that we have not covered today is where is the queen now? How is she fairing amidst the public anger and oppressive rule of the duke ? 

Not surprisingly a  close anonymous royal advisor to the Queen has very different information on what he thinks is "Public madness"...

"She is in love with him truly . I have ever seen a woman more in love, if i may say so. Its like he has some kind of spell over her. Whenever he walks into the room she cannot stop smiling... her childish nature is rather admirable considering all the harsh public attention   thrown her way, but i do not think that her innocence can ever be broken by the mob"

"if you asked my personal opinion ... yes he' is stern and rather bossy and yes she is content to be in the palm of his hand when it comes to who makes the decisions,... but despite the public madness and liberal rubbish... I've never seen her more happy and content than when she is by his side... as for the painting... well i think it is very beautiful and really portrays both their likenesses very well indeed"




Posted August 24, 2023 at 10:20 pm

Such a long and great bulletin! You got to see so many people speak.

Posted August 24, 2023 at 10:27 pm

Just give women's rights man

Posted August 25, 2023 at 1:19 am

Our condolences to the civilians caught in the crossfires. We hope order can restored soon
