Nation Bulletin

If a Kingdom was a Dream...

Discover the astonishing magnificence of the Isle of York

By farmers home journal
08/24/2023 03:49 pm
Updated: 08/24/2023 04:02 pm

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"STUNNING AND BREATHTAKING" pictures have been rediscovered and published, and high society is stunned with what they have seen"

~ It is no surprise that the Earl of York, Lord Meriwether is perhaps one of the richest, most powerful members of the landed aristocracy in the British isles and beyond, but in all truth the man was rather a dark and concerning  mystery . We in our island abode never quite understood just how sinister the man was. He seemed cold and without any warmth of taste. His morals are questionable, and  his moody, unapproachable reserved  demeanor... is a thing that is known by almost everyone. It would have seemed he was the sort of duke to live upon a bleak and stone island , with no beauty or any sort of warmth... and yet it would seem that the island of York  is quite different to what one would have thought... 

The pictures are a insight into a different world, a fairy tale perhaps , a Gothic archaic world of hidden troves... filled with passion and jewels that sparkle with romance....  The isle of York has been a place shrouded in mystery. It was a place of legends for thousands of years. below you can see what this mythical place looks like in amazing detail... 

The deep wine red of the gems that encase each marble statue ,to the rushing cascading icy waterfalls , to the Gothic steeples and turrets of the ancient castles... and the valleys that rumble and tower across the land.... have created even more a mystery to this strange and unparalleled man, than ever before..

due to the unreachable nature of the island and its rare sightings... most of the land has not been seen by outsiders. Therefore only those few pioneering souls have dared to venture beyond to take note of they have seen...some of the places that we are about to see have never been published in picture before.... 


~ The Ancient biblical architecture of the earl of Yorks castle ~ The only picture ever taken of his home




~ Ancient stonework outside a city




'~ Within his kingdom, there is waterfall. Another castle occupies the bridge... 




~ There are many waterfalls, lakes and rivers in his country... here is a picture of his winter  castle (he owns many).




~ The gateway to the isle of York... 





~ The Seatown of Mist 




~ Winter in yorkland ... 





~ historical town name unknown 





~ the travelers did not know where this was and what this was...  it is said they just accounted this place by chance. It is somewhere on the northern parts of the islands 






~ Some strange town that has no name but many ancient ruins 







The burning question is this: exactly what kind of ruler is the earl of York? 

from the looks of his magnificent island with its many castle villages and godlike setting ... one can only assume this villainous man is more spooky than anyone dared to imagine...  some have even claimed he is some sort of wizard.... 

Hopefully our gracious queen understands what shes getting herself into...



~  Another Palace owned by The Earl ....


Posted August 24, 2023 at 4:06 pm

I've got to say, your writing is truly exquisite. You are deserving of much more attention 
