Nation Bulletin

Europrom founded 1x1 miles of oil.


By Presedent Mark Second
08/21/2023 02:43 am
Updated: 08/21/2023 02:43 am

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   (Don't tell it to america) Europrom wich is oil and gas campany in Europian Federation founded a mile of oil, the "Scare" of oil was founded north of kaliningrad. During making military airport in North kaliningrad area workers founded oil on the place where airbase should be, Europrom emideantly came to the place and started to getting it out from the ground to sell. Europian Federation is about to sell all natural recources for money becouse first they are not usefull 2 it gives alot of money. 

   EF Economy skyrocketed again, yesturday the GDP per capita was about $450 now it is about $570! Sixth city was bilded in Europian federation and this city was not formed in old novorossiya, this city got bilded from taxes, international ports, airports and trans EF hwy that is big and has alot of roads around the Europian federation, all immigrants has to pay when the enter the country on hwy and that gave about a 1,000,000 Eurorubles. 

   IMP was still not sended to Rimskaya for unknowen reason, International police did not get permission to enter the nation but IMp was not rejected, The offer was just ignored but hopefully rimskaya will acept the offer soon.