Nation Bulletin

LRP and KPD was made.

Land Recreation Program.

By Presedent Mark Second
08/14/2023 03:12 am
Updated: 08/14/2023 03:12 am

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After the fall of Old Novorossiya, bildings got destroed and choas was everywhere. To clear the land from the burned and destroed bildings LRP was made with a Kaliningrad Police Department, LRP is made out of 1,000 volonteers and KPD made from former military or former police will ~1,500 police officers in service. The Kaliningrad Stadium was mostly restored but some parts are still in emergency state, kaliningrad stadium is one of the strong holds that was used in old novorossiya but was still taked by the ocupants. Thanks to good bilders and good materials stadium was not harmed to unrestorable state. 

Military was also made with ~5,000 soldiers and 50 tanks, compared to Old Novorossiyan military with 150,000 troops 15,000 tanks more than 5,000 military aircrafts and about 75 navy ships.

If anyone likes to donate for restoration of the land that use to be Novorossiya send ships, aircrafts or ground vichles to Europian Federation Capital city of Kaliningrad.