Nation Bulletin

Lyping juan antionio announces an unprecedented second term in office before the 2nd general election

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By President Lyping juan antionio
08/10/2023 05:43 am
Updated: 08/11/2023 12:16 am

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My fellow countrymen, it appears and seems like these times are getting tough and I know that, but Mr Zhao Jean-Paul Pain is not ready to step up the mantel as a candidate in this upcoming election. As such, by the power vested in me as The President of the Federal Republic of Neyipitoya, I declare my candidacy in the upcoming general election to choose representatives in the Assembly, Parliament and the Executive branch. But in these tough times calls for martial law which means there shall be no media, no protest, no fleeing from the country, no sharing information of any kind without the consent of the Central Government, no favoritism of one’s party, no suspicious activities and finally non essential economic activities must cease for now and work in State-Funded work force temporarily to help rebuild our nation. Since the armed forces nor the police aren’t ready yet the National Guard shall temporarily take their place and since I’m both the President and Commander in Chief I and only I alone, shall declare when this marshall law is over, Thank you.

(Credits to Ferronesia for the feedback :) )