Alliance Bulletin


Aequitas Presidential Debate Night

Please note that certain words or questions have been taken out for national security purposes

By High Lord RoManic
08/09/2023 04:08 am
Updated: 08/09/2023 04:08 am

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Welcome to the 2090 Aequitas Presidential Debate. Here you'll see the two current challengers for the role of president, Mark Thatcher from the National Liberty Party and The Freemazon Empire of the Aequitas Military Party, show their competing policies. This debate is a respectful but open forum for spreading the views of Aequitas' political candidates. 


Without further ado, sit back, relax, and Enjoy the Debates


  • Debate Structure:
  • I'll list a question Mark Thatcher will list a response and The Freemazon Empire will list their response directly afterwards.
  • Then Mark Thatcher can rebuttal that response and The Freemazon Empire can rebuttal Mark Thatcher rebuttal or choose to rebuttal The Freemazon Empires original answer.
  • Your host for tonight will be RoManic of Vulcanities who will remain unbiased and neutral during the debate
  • Something special to note about this bulletin is that I'll be providing my own take on each sides views not in a biased way but just a very frank way


1: How do you view Discords role in TAI? Do you think all members must have it, some members must have it, or something else?

Mark Thatcher: I personally believe that Discord should be mandatory for all, however, with the lack of support for this idea, and due to most members agreeing that it should be at least mandatory for the government, I am making discord membership a requirement to get into any of the government's branches in the new constitution.

The Freemazon Empire: I believe discord should be required for anyone mid to high gov depending on how importance of the position is to be in alliance so president fa and sec of defense should be required to have discord

Marks Rebuttal: I will refrain from responding to the clear cheap copy of what I just said

Freemazons Rebuttlal: For anyone that is confused if a gov position isn't absolutely crucial to the function of the alliance then it shouldn't be required to have discord but if it is crucial to the function of the alliance then yes it should be required and that is my response

Summary: As usual the presidential elections within TAI always bring about the potential for a massive change. Currently a hot button issue is were discord fits within TAI. Most members agree that is a necessary force for this alliance however, should it be mandated despite that being a clear violation of what the alliances original intent was? Mark argues that the government should take baby steps with introducing discord to the larger mass of TAI while Freemazon states that only a few high positions should be required to have it. Mark, as he said, supports the idea of mandatory discord but recognizes that it cannot be made mandatory for a while. 


2: What are your plans for the future foreign policy actions of TAI?

Due to national security purposes I'm going to refrain from listing responses. However, I'll give a broad summary. Mark would like to pursue a more traditional Micro AA FA strategy whereas Freemazon would like to pursue a more isolationist policy generally speaking. 


3: What are your views on the senate? Do you plan on fixing it? If so, how?

Mark Thatcher: The senate is the sick man of our government while it clearly holds too much power. With an inactive senate, dies the executive, according to our current constitution. I plan to introduce a new constitution that clearly separates powers and grants executive powers strictly to the executive, such as signing treaties and introducing taxes. My new constitution also organizes work within the senate by introducing the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson positions who shall manage and preside over sessions. Furthermore, by-elections will be held for members who were last active for more than 7 days without notice to ensure the productivity of our legislature doesn't drop. 

(I'm afraid I cannot summarize the entire senate article, apologies)

Freemazon: I do not believe the Senate needs fixing because I currently don't know how the Senate works yet. 

Marks Rebuttal: I would like to ask voters to read my friend's last argument again and rethink their voting choices.

Freemazons Rebuttal: None

Summary: The Senate has been, as many voters agree, a failed experiment within this term at least. They failed to proactively create policy or maintain a decent amount of activity which led to a general loss of interest from the actual senators. Marks plan for the senate would be introduced within his revised and new constitution which will have an article devoted to creating a more productive senate. From what Freemazo has said it can be inferred that Freemazo has still yet to come up with a decisive plan for the Senate which may change in the days leading up to the election however no new policy statement has come out from Freemazo on this topic. 


4: What are your plans to expand the AA's bank so that we may remain competitive with other alliances?

Mark: I believe sticking to my original plan of progressive taxation has massively benefited us, but sadly due to security reasons i cannot reveal the numbers. I intend to keep my taxation policy, however, nothing is final, as we may have to change rates according to demographic or defensive reasons.

Please note that the second half of Mark Thatchers response was cut for national security purposes

Freemazon: If I come into power I will make sure marky keeps his position as Secretary of Treasury

Marks Rebuttal: None

Freemazons Rebuttal: None

Summary: The AA's bank has received a notable boost during the Nyx administration so it interested me to see if the candidates would stick to this system or continue to advance it. Mark will likely change taxation rates more frequently than the prior administration, higher and lower, depending on the situations the alliance finds itself in. It can be inferred that Freemazo generally agrees with that strategy since they would instate Mark as head of the Treasury if elected


5: Since this has become somewhat of a hot topic within Aequitas, voters are surely interested to know what your views on the Tactical Military Drill performed by Aequitas on The Sith Empire Alliance (not to be confused with the nation of the same name)?

Mark: Well, I wasn't a member of the alliance back then, which gives me the objective point of view of a foreigner, it was the right thing to do. Alliances usually conduct drills to test their military readiness and command capabilities of the government. I do not see why The Aequitas International should be an exception. Furthermore, i believe calls to pay reparations for that alliances are an exaggeration, especially that the very people who are calling for such an action never compensated for the people they raided before.

Freemazo: I believe there should have been a full out war of attrition but I'm also the guy that's leader of a military party so self explanatory

Marks Rebuttal: None

Freemazons Rebuttal: None

Summary: Ever since the drill was conducted a myriad of different viewpoints sprang up. A majority of the alliance maintained silent support of the Nyx admins initiative while a somewhat louder minority expressed their views in public forums. Most who were against the raid pointed to the need to stick strictly to the alliances original purposes in which peace is alluded to. However, both candidates suggest views in support of the raid. Mark believes that the raid war was somewhat necessary for the alliance to stay a well-oiled machine while Freemazon believes that the approach was too soft, and that a full out decimation of the alliance was needed.


6: Taxes... need I say more? What are your current tax plans?

Note that because the tax plans were already minorly discussed, and the candidates just reiterated what they said before I've decided to not post those responses in an effort to save space. Here's a general summary. Mark wants to ensure the current tax system, with small changes, stays in place. Freemazon would like to dedicate taxes only to military spending


7: How do you plan to foster TAI's vibrant culture?

Mark: I believe it's simple, we need to keep TAI alive, active and competent, and by keeping our government competent, our Home Office will preserve our precious culture through alliance events, competitions, debates and even just casual conversations. It ultimately falls under the authority of my Home Secretary and VP to keep our lovely community, and so he shall do. 

Freemazon: Bro stole my idea anyway what he said

Marks Rebuttal: I've been pushing for events and competitions within the Luna administration since i was appointed which shows my commitment to our unique identity and community. You can ask the current Home Secretary to check if im lying.

Freemazon Rebuttal: None

Summary: One of Aequitas' most prized values is its community engagement. Our community members consistently report strong feelings of patriotism and appreciation towards Aeq. Plus, I myself have heard it multiple times but solid friendships have been established through TAI and without our strong community that would have happened. Not only that but it's an amazing draw in for new members so this is issue is more essential than one would think. Mark essentially proposes much of the same just with more events to tie people together. Freemazon also proposes the same but believes that Mark stole his idea for community engagement. 

8: Who are your picks for secretarial positions?

Mark: Vice President and Home Secretary: Mediterranean Confederation
medcon has plenty of experience in gov and has proved competent even while not being in TAI's gov by helping his colleagues.

Secretary of Defense and Foreign Secretary: Nyx of Luna.
Luna has served as our second President and has personally presided over military operations and treaty negotiations, which qualifies her to hold both positions.

Secretary of Treasury: I shall hold it myself.
I have asked on the alliance chat if anyone has experience but sadly nobody does and wants to participate, and as i have held this position for two months now, i intend to keep it until someone competent is found and agreed upon by my Cabinet and the Senate.

Freemazo: Home Secretary I would pick melix

for Foreign Secretary I would put the Republic of Silvania (legend)

For secretary of treasure Marky

Secretary of defense nyx

Note that the rebuttals have been removed since they largely dealt with inconsistencies that were later fixed

Summary: The only difference in selections is in the positions of Home Secretary and FA


9: How will the party you belong to affect your presidency?

Mark: I absolutely thank my party for nominating me for this honorable position, however, i shall stick to my principles by fighting any and all forms of corruption without exemption, i shall still coordinate matters with the party's president [Nyx of Luna], however, i will not allow anyone to stand in our way for progress and prosperity.

Freemazon: My party will make sure the alliance has a strong military to tort any attack sorry my cat is walking all over my phone

Marks Rebuttal: None

Freemazons: None

Summary: The relationship between political parties and the presidency is a relatively new, but powerful, one. In the optional poll from the senate elections voters overwhelmingly chose the NLP (National Liberty Party) as the party they would vote for. The relatively untested AMP (Aequitas Military Party) has yet to be tested on the political stage but, in all honestly, will have to overcome serious political odds to come out as the new majority party. Currently the NLP controls the Senate and Executive. Mark Thatcher the NLPs Candidate for President has stated more than a few times before that while he will act as a leader within the NLP and will try to advance its goals he will not be consumed by partisan forces. Freemazon, in stark contrast, believes that their party, the Aequitas Military Party, will control most policy decisions. This can be inferred from the above responses from Freemazon. 


Posted August 09, 2023 at 4:45 am


Posted August 09, 2023 at 5:47 am

Very neat.

Posted August 09, 2023 at 5:29 pm

Mark very much won over this argument, I don't think there is any contest here. Nevertheless, that is for the voters to decide.

Posted August 10, 2023 at 10:35 am

Please restrict free speech NOW.

Posted August 10, 2023 at 3:48 pm

As one of the top officials of Guns N Roses, an ally of TAI, I support Mark Thatcher for President.
