Nation Bulletin

The Isle of Proxima and the 10 Coordinations

In the vast reaches of the cosmos, far beyond the borders of known galaxies, existed Proxima.

By Elo
08/06/2023 01:21 pm
Updated: 08/06/2023 01:21 pm

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The Isles

The Isle of Proxima - The Darkened Light


In the vast reaches of the cosmos, far beyond the borders of known galaxies, there existed a mysterious isle known as Proxima. It was a place unlike any other, suspended in the void, surrounded by darkness, and adrift in a black sea with a white sky above. At its center glimmered a unique black star, its enigmatic radiance casting an ethereal glow across the isle. Proxima was hidden from the cosmic maps, known only through whispers among intrepid explorers and spacefarers who spoke of a mythical realm that defied all natural laws. Legends told of its existence, but few believed in the tales, dismissing them as mere fantasies woven by those who had ventured too far into the unknown.

Among those who clung to the belief in Proxima were 3 travelers: Bilou, Leone, Xena. Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and adventure, the travelers were determined to uncover the truth behind the legends and discover the secrets that lay within the space isle. As the 3 travelers approached the isle, they were greeted by an eerie and mesmerizing sight. The black star at the center of Proxima emitted an inky light that seemed to absorb all other hues, creating a halo of darkness around it. The isle itself appeared like a floating oasis amidst the nothingness, surrounded by an invisible barrier that kept the darkness at bay.




Determined to unravel the mysteries of Proxima, the travelers made their way onto the isle's surface. The ground beneath their feet felt strangely solid, yet ethereal, as if they were walking on dreams. The white sky above was devoid of stars, and the sense of isolation was overwhelming. As they explored further, they discovered that the isle was a haven of paradoxes. Plants with black leaves and white flowers bloomed, and creatures with dark luminescent eyes roamed the lands. Time seemed to bend and twist, causing moments to stretch and compress, creating a surreal experience that defied rational understanding.

In the heart of Proxima, they encountered an ancient being known as Elo and his followers, cosmic guardians who had witnessed the birth of the universe itself. Elo revealed that Proxima existed in a pocket of space-time untouched by the laws of the known universe, an anomaly that defied all scientific explanation. Elo shared with the travelers the true purpose of Proxima - it was a celestial sanctuary, a place of balance between light and dark, where cosmic forces found equilibrium. The black star at its core was not a source of darkness but a singularity that held the universe's mysteries, a beacon of cosmic wisdom.




Moved by the knowledge and wisdom of Elo, the travelers realized that Proxima was not a place to be conquered but a realm to be respected and revered. They vowed to protect its sanctity and keep its existence a secret, for not all who sought its enigmatic allure would do so with noble intentions. As the 3 travelers came to understand the purpose of Proxima, they became eager to learn more about the universe's secrets and the enigmatic realms it held. Curious, the 3 asked for the knowledge they all equally yearned for. Elo agreed to share more about the cosmos. Proxima was only one coordination and revealed the existence of nine other extraordinary lands that made up "The Isles." Sitting under the starlit canopy of the darkened sun, Elo began to recount the tales of these mythical lands, each more intriguing than the last...




To Be Continued...
