Nation Bulletin

Armeizka Rebels Announces Uprising! Commissar's Son Turns Against the State!

A Dark Age for Rimskaya

By Rimskaya State Publication Committee (R.S.P.C.)
08/05/2023 11:30 am
Updated: 08/05/2023 11:30 am

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Rimskaya State Publication Committee (R.S.P.C.)

Your Source for Biased News, Fresh out of Rimskaya

A darker day has never befallen Rimskaya before now. October 15th, 2090 shall be remembered as the day that Rimskaya, the Revolutionary State, tore herself apart on her own values. And to add insult to injury, the rebels took with them one of the Commissar's most prized possessions: his son, Tiberius.

Tiberius had, as it would seem, been planning this insurrection for many months now. As of the above date, he gave a speech, in which he accused the R.R.C. of becoming counterrevolutionary, and a reactionary enemy to the Proletariat, and declaring that his revolution shall restore Marxism to the region.

The revolution is not along any particular border, however: aside from the coup of the Armeizka governor, and its entire secession, there are hundreds, possibly thousands, of armed pockets of resistance across the country in every province, from the north coast of South America, to rebel communes within the capital, just a few miles away from the Legislature and Commissariat Residence.

These rebels claim to adhere to a true form of the Permanent Revolution, opposed to the recent "forced" industrialization of Rimskaya, and attempted to portray the government in Novogo Rima as coercing workers into the new mills and mines, none of which has ever been proven as true by any means prior to the revolt.

The R.P.A. has been given the full orders of a civil war protocol, but the task will only be more difficult, as a portion of the army estimated to be as much as 45% has defected and joined the revolutionaries. Commissar Augustus initially declared a state of emergency, but has been to distressed by the actions of his son to consider fighting on the front-lines himself, at least for the moment. The R.R.C. has already suggested to him that they take control of the country and leave him to recover, as was done in the Tri-Fold War when Former Commissar Maximus was on the front-line.

Speaking on behalf of the Commissar, the R.R.C. collectively declared:

"This insurrection is of a nature that has not developed any objective conclusions about Rimskaya as a Marxist state, and seeks to overthrow her purely on baseless accusations. In a country of the most revolutionary origins, that has defended to the death from the world the ideas of Mark, Lenin, and Trotsky alike, they see only reactionary tendencies where there is really a mass development to reverse our reclusive nature. Let the record show this rebellion was not done with the interests of the Proletariat in mind, but the interests of the new possibly-soon-to-be government, seeking glory, power, and a policy of not controlled and organized Internationalism; rather, rampant and anarchic Internationalism, in a world that would destroy Rimskaya or Armeizka for such."

Rimskaya shall not bow to this attempt on her life, and destruction of the Revolution that those of the Winter Solstice of 2020 gave their lives for, to die in the face of the Imperialist Superpower that was the United States, and forge in the name of Marx and his political descendants a new state dedicated to their principles above any and all else in the world.

To the front, all loyal Rimskayans, not just to kill and defend in arms, but to reunite with our brothers of humanity, of the army, workers, and students alike. To rescue them from this anarchy that threatens a new state of untold policies.

Treason to the Revolution shall not be tolerated! Rimskaya shall prevail over this anarchist revolt! Glory be to the state, to the Revolution, and above all to the ones who made it possible, all those hundreds of years ago!

To arms Rimskayans, to defend the Revolutionary Motherland!