Nation Bulletin

Phillip Bourbon Crowned, and Intentions Revealed

Everything will come together

By Melonese Intelligence Agency and The Muskmelon Times
08/02/2023 11:26 pm
Updated: 09/06/2023 01:50 pm

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Phillip Bourbon Crowned!

By Anthelme Joly


Recently, Iberian Phillip Bourbon has been crowned as the governor of Cyprus and other Mediterranean Islands. He is also heir to the throne if Aithne Daughtery dies while he is alive. Phillip Bourbon has already proved himself as a great speaker, and is restoring much faith in The 2nd Melonese Empire. With Phillip Bourbon in the Melonese Government, Our relations with Iberia have seemed to skyrocket, in fact, we have even been able to get an small little alliance with him, and let me remind you, we just fought a world war against him. Phillip Bourbon also has some power in Melonese France, as he controls the civil rights and the MPF (Melonese Police Force). Now Let's see the story part of this bulletin...



Intentions Revealed




Somewhere is Czechoslovakia...


Inside an important building, A young man called James Vandolf was searching through photos of criminals with some type of a sword. He kept scrolling until he found a person with the same description as the kidnapper.


Name: Alexander

Surname: Johnson

Ethnic: Indian

Age: Unknown, most likely late 30s

Crime: Killed 7 kids with a Katana at a school

Weight: 197.8 lbs


He then looked at the security footage from the kidnapping, and he noticed that the two people were extremely similar. Then he thought: Have I of all people found the kidnapper? He then decided to show Fredrick Goodsman, a man in MIA. "Hey, Fredrick, look at this guy, he seems to match the entire description of the kidnapper", James yelled. "Hmmmm, it seems to be correct, I shall ask Billy B", Fredrick responded. Fredrick then called Billy B. "Hey Billy, I think I found the culprit, look at this", Fredrick said. "Holy Mother !@#$ing sh*t, this is an exact description of the kidnapper, now that we know who did it, all we need to do is find where he keeps her hostage", Billy B replied. "Hey Billy, I think I found out where they are keeping her hostage," yelled John Black from another room. "Is today the luckiest day or what" thought Billy B. "Yeah, where is this base?" Billy B asked. "Well...Uhhh, It is kinda in the middle of Melonese Czechia..." replied John Black. "We can send some spies to see if it is really their base, but otherwise we should prepare a team of soldiers and MIA agents to capture that base, now get to work!", responded Billy B. "Ok sir!" replied John...


Posted August 02, 2023 at 11:28 pm

Uchamese Intelligence Services should get in on this
