Nation Bulletin

New Military Doctrine Proven Successful

The KAF government has managed to fight back against the invaders

By John Khoo - Kah News Network
07/29/2023 04:09 am
Updated: 07/29/2023 04:09 am

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The Socialist Communist Kah Republic has been known as a victim of wars and always been taken advantage of by invaders of greater strength. It is therefore surprising that the Republic has managed to fend off invaders of similar size with its new military doctrine. While original military doctrine states that one must have full deployment of aircraft, the Minister of War, Daniel Maxwell, had suggested that the Republic choose to operate its troop and armoured units at near full capacity. This led to the prioritisation of the ground defense over air defense, as past wars have shown the incapability of building up a strong ground defense when air defense was prioritised.
\\r\\nAs shown by the results of the previous 5 attacks on enemy forces (, & ) the Kah Armed Forces (KAF) has managed to secure 4 immense triumphs and 1 moderate success. This is despite of the enemy having air superiority, which reduces the effectiveness of armoured warfare. The KAF has shown its substantial military capabilities and its General, Minister for War and Overseer, Daniel Maxwell, has demonstrated his capabilities to lead this Republic towards victory, despite of the internal turmoil and enemies faced.
\\r\\nThe Republic will stand.


Posted July 28, 2023 at 9:21 pm
Beanstopia supports you
Posted July 28, 2023 at 9:32 pm

You still exist comrade!? 

Posted July 29, 2023 at 1:18 am
Thank you Beanstopia

Yep! I just post less because I'm more busy. But even if I seem to be gone, I will always be back