Nation Bulletin

Interview with William Bowlin

July 22, 2090

By Williamtopia News Network (WNN)
07/28/2023 12:05 pm
Updated: 07/28/2023 12:05 pm

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Today we have a guest for interview, William Bowlin. We have someone to ask him questions, our reporter Timmy.

Timmy: Hello William, first I need to ask you about Twitter, how do you feel about it?

William: Twitter? It isn't nice but I won't ban it, look how much communication people can have!

Timmy: Ok, are you aware about such repercussions? And how do you feel on Pink Sauce?

William: Why was it banned? It's good now, the ban is lifted. We have TX-101 for that. Hyclo and Healic will also probably help.

Timmy: Wow. What about NFTs?

William: Ehhh no. Those will still be banned.

Timmy: Okay. That's all the questions I have for you today.

This has been WNN and an interview for William.